OCP Bylaw No. 4602 - Table of Amendments

OCP Bylaw No. 4602 - Table of Amendments

4602 City of Port Alberni Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4602 ("Parent Bylaw") Official Community Plan Bylaw 4602 Apr 10/07
4676 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 1 (3823 Anderson Avenue - Basra) Bylaw No. 4676 A) 3823 Anderson Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Residential Use to General Commercial Use. 

B) 3823 Anderson Ave. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include in Development Permit Area No. 2. - Commercial

Nov 26/07
4694 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 2 (Burde Street - McManus Development Planning) Bylaw No. 4694 Lot A, District Lot 48, Alberni District, Plan VIP68122 on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Future Residential Use to Residential Use. Jun 09/08
4702 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 3 (New ADSS - Klitsa Development) Bylaw No. 4702 Various amendments. Click on Bylaw link for details. Oct 27/08
4725 Official Community Plan Amendment No. T1 (Affordable Housing) Bylaw No. 4725 Updates to sections 2.1 to 2.4 pertaining to Affordable Housing and Homelessness  Jun 22/09
4721 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 4 (4755 Cherry Creek Road - NIDMAR) Bylaw No. 4721 4755 Cherry Ck Rd on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - to Institutional Use. Sep 14/09
4726 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 5 (3778 15th Avenue - Rai), Bylaw No. 4726 A) 3778 15th Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Residential Use to General Commercial Use.

B)  3778 15th Ave. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) -  include in Development Permit Area No. 2 Commercial (General).

Oct 26/09
4739 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 7 (Tomswood Road - C. and E. Power), Bylaw No. 4739 A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) is hereby amended to re-designate the area of Lot 5, District Lot 20, Alberni District, Plan 894 (PID 008-252-912) from Residential Use to Multi-Family Residential Use.

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) is hereby amended to include Lot 5, District Lot 20, Alberni District, Plan 894 (PID 008-252-912) in Development Permit Area No. 1 Multiple Family Residential.

Jul 12/10
4728 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 6 (King Street - Southside Community Church), Bylaw No. 4728 Schedule A (Land Use Map) is hereby amended to re-designate the area of Lot A (DD97845N), District Lot 48, Alberni District, Plan 1279, except Plans 15125 and VIP63466, from Parks and Open Space Use to Institutional Use. Oct 24/11
4795 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 12 (Beaver Creek Road - Van Isle Ford), Bylaw No. 4795 A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) is hereby amended to re-designate the area of Lot 2, District Lot 11, Alberni District, Plan 88069 from General Commercial and Institutional Use to General Commercial Use.

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) is hereby amended to include a portion of Lot 2, District Lot 11, Alberni District, Plan 88069 in Development Permit Area No. 2 Commercial.

Apr 10/12
4778 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 10 (3010 -10th Avenue), Bylaw No. 4778 A) 3010 10th Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) from Residential Use to Neighbourhood Commercial Use. 

B)  3010 10th Ave. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include in Development Permit Area No. 2 Commercial (General).

Oct 09/12
4818 Official Community Plan Amendment No.T3 (Temporary Use Permits), Bylaw No. 4818 Adding provisions for Temporary Use Permits Jun 24/13
4833 Official Community Plan Amendment No.13 (4961 Melrose Street - Van Dyk), Bylaw No. 4833 A) 4961 Melrose St. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Residential Use to Multiple Family Residential Use. 

B) 4961 Melrose St. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include in Development Permit Area No. 1 Multiple Family Residential.

Jun 09/14
4856 Official Community Plan Amendment No.T4 (Bike Facilities), Bylaw No. 4856 Updates to Section E requiring Bike Facilities in Development Permit Areas 1 and 2. Nov 10/14
4861 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 14 (Rainbow Gardens), Bylaw No. 4861 Map Amendments: -1. Land Use Map - From Parks and Open Space to Institutional; and 2. Land Use Map - From a combination of Parks and Open Space and Future Residential to Parks and Open Space Defeated
4864 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 15 (10th Avenue – Co-op Gas), Bylaw No. 4864 A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Lot 7 - From Residential to General Commercial; and Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Lots 8-10 - From Multi-Family Residential to General Commercial;   and   B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include Lot 7 in DPA2 - Commercial (General) Area; and Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map)  - change Lot 8-10 from DPA1- Multiple Family Residential to DPA2 - Commercial (General) Area.  Apr 13/15
4877 Official Community Plan Amendment No. 16 (4th Avenue - Friendship Centre), Bylaw No. 4877 3539 & 3545 4th Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Parks and Open Space Use to Institutional Use. Jul 27/15
4889 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 17 (3333 Burde Street - Harris), Bylaw No. 4889" 3333 Burde Street on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from FUR Future Residential and POS Parks and Open Space to RES Residential Rescinded
4891 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 18 (4905 Cherry Creek Road - Complete Contracting), Bylaw No. 4891" A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) -  from Highway Commercial Use to Industrial Use;     and   B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - From DPA 2 (HIghway Commercial) to DPA3 - Industrial Area.  Dec 14/15
4899 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 19 (Burde Street – Phase 2 of Uplands Subdivision), Bylaw No. 4899" A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) -  from a mix of FUR Future Residential and Parks and Open Space Use to a mix of RES Residential Use and POS Parks and Open Space Use;    Apr 10/17
4902 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 20 (3532 – 4th Avenue - D. Beecroft), Bylaw No. 4902"

A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from General Commercial Use to Residential Use;

B) (Development Permit Areas Map) - From DPA 2 (HIghway Commercial) to excluded.

Apr 11/16
4912 “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 21 (4815 Argyle Street – Patterson), Bylaw No. 4912” A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from General Commercial Use to Multi-Family Residential Use                                                                    B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - From Development Permit Area No. 2 (General Commercial) to Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential). Jul 25/16
4923 “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 22 (2720 Burde Street – Evans), Bylaw No. 4923” A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from a mix of Residential and Future Residential Use to Residential Use      Jan 23/17
4926 “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 23 (5350 Russell Street - Rainbow Gardens), Bylaw No. 4926” A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Parks and Open Space use to Institutional Use  Jan 09/17
4934 “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 24 (2881 and 2911 Burde Street - McLellan and Ryles), Bylaw No. 4934” A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) -  from 'Future Residential' to  'Residential' Rescinded
4952 “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 25 (4000 Burde Street - District Acquisitions Corp.), Bylaw No. 4952”

A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) -  from 'Institutional' to a mix of 'Multi-Family Residential' and  'Residential'      

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - To include the portion of the property to be designated Multi-Family Residential to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'.

Apr 09/18
4971 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 26 (3250 and 3258 3rd Avenue – McNeal and Gibbons), Bylaw No. 4971"

A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) -  from 'General Commercial' to 'Multi-Family Residential'    

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) -  from   'Development Permit Area No. 2 (General Commercial)' to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'.

Inactive - File Closed
4985 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 27 (2940 Bellshill Road – Carriere), Bylaw No. 4985" A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Land Use Map - From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential'; Jan 27/20
4995 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 28 (5536 and 5546 Swallow Drive - Power), Bylaw No. 4995"

A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) -  from 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential'    

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) -  to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'.

Mar 30/20
5000 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 29 (4450 Maitland Street - Alberni Low Energy Housing), Bylaw No. 5000"

A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Land Use Map - From  'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential';

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) -  to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'

Mar 30/20
5006 "Official Community Plan Amendment No.30 (5269 Pineo Road - Murphy), Bylaw No. 5006"

A) Land Use Map - From 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential';

B) Development Permit Areas Map - include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)"

Sep 14/20
5009 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 31 (2170 Mallory Drive - Mansett Family Holdings), Bylaw No. 5009"

A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) -  from 'Residential' to 'Industrial';     and  

 B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include property in 'Development Permit Area No. 3 (Industrial) 

5012 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. T5 (Cannabis Cultivation - Development Permit Area Regulations), Bylaw No. 5012" Text Amendment - Add Cannabis Cultivation and Processing provisions to Development Permit Areas. Oct 13/20
5015 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 32 (4305 Kendall Avenue - BC Housing Oomiiqsu), Bylaw No. 5015" A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Land Use Map - From  'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential';

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) -  to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'

May 25/21
5018 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 33 (4279 Ravenhill Avenue - Jaenicke), Bylaw No.5018" Land Use Map - From a mix of 'Park and Open Space' and 'Future Residential' to  a mix of 'Park and Open Space' and 'Residential Jun 14/21

"Official Community Plan Amendment No. 34 (4905 Cherry Creek Road - Evans), Bylaw No. 5031"

Land Use Map - From 'Industrial' to ' General Commercial' Oct 12/21
5036 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 35 (4440 Vimy Street - BC Housing - ACAWS), Bylaw No. 5036" Land Use Map - Portion of property from 'Parks and Open Space' to 'Institutional; Mar 14/22
5042 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 36 (5th Avenue & Burde Street - Carniato), Bylaw No. 5042" A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - ‘General Commercial’ use to ‘Multiple Family Residential’ use.

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - to ‘Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)’.

Aug 08/22


5046 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 37  (4738 Athol Street - Rai), Bylaw No. 5046" A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - ‘Residential’ use to ‘Multiple Family Residential’ use.

B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - to ‘Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)’.

Jan 23/23
5051 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 38  (4210 Cedarwood Street - Citaapi Mahtii Housing Society), Bylaw No. 5051" Map Amendment 1:
Land Use Map - From 'Institutional' to 'Multi-Family Residential';

Map Amendment  2:
Development Permit Areas Map - include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)"

Oct 24/22
5057 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 39  (3351, 3359, 3369 - 3rd Avenue - Galloway), Bylaw No. 5057" Map Amendment 1:
Land Use Map - From 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential';

Map Amendment  2:
Development Permit Areas Map - include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)"

Inactive. Files Closed.
5070 "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 40 (2601 Burde Street - Irg), Bylaw No. 5070" Map Amendment:
Land Use Map - From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential'
May 23/23
5078 "Official Community Plan Map Amendment (2846 4th Avenue) Bylaw No. 5078" Text and Map Amendments to add additional Design Guidelines for Townhouses, include the property in Development Permit Area No. 1 Multiple Family Residential) and to change designation to "Multi-Family Residential" Jun 26/23
5084 "Official Community Plan Amendment (2780 Burde Street - Elliot) Bylaw No. 5084" Map Amendment: From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential' Feb 12/24
5092 "Official Community Plan Amendment (3690 Loewen Road and 2791 Burde Street) Bylaw No. 5092" Map Amendment: From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential' (a portion of the site) Nov 27/23
5094 "Official Community Plan Amendment (3830 5th Avenue) Bylaw No. 5094" Map Amendment 1:
Land Use Map - From 'Institutional to 'Multi-Family Residential'                                                                          Map Amendment  2:
Include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)"
5098 "Official Community Plan Amendment (2856 4th Avenue) Bylaw No. 5098" Map Amendment 1:
Land Use Map - From 'General Commercial' to 'Multi-Family Residential';                                                                     

Map Amendment  2:
Development Permit Areas Map - Remove from Development Permit Area No. 2 and include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)"

May 27/24
5110 "Official Community Plan Amendment (15th Avenue at Montrose Street), Bylaw No. 5110" Map Amendment 1:
Land Use Map - From 'General Commercial' to 'Multi-Family Residential';                                                                     

Map Amendment  2:
Development Permit Areas Map - remove from 'Development Permit Area No. 2 (General Commercial)' and include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)"




For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
