OCP Bylaw No. 4602 - Table of Amendments
OCP Bylaw No. 4602 - Table of Amendments
BYLAW | TITLE ![]() |
4602 | City of Port Alberni Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4602 ("Parent Bylaw") | Official Community Plan Bylaw 4602 | Apr 10/07 | |
4676 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 1 (3823 Anderson Avenue - Basra) Bylaw No. 4676 | A) 3823 Anderson Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Residential Use to General Commercial Use.
B) 3823 Anderson Ave. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include in Development Permit Area No. 2. - Commercial |
Nov 26/07 | |
4694 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 2 (Burde Street - McManus Development Planning) Bylaw No. 4694 | Lot A, District Lot 48, Alberni District, Plan VIP68122 on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Future Residential Use to Residential Use. | Jun 09/08 | |
4702 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 3 (New ADSS - Klitsa Development) Bylaw No. 4702 | Various amendments. Click on Bylaw link for details. | Oct 27/08 | |
4725 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. T1 (Affordable Housing) Bylaw No. 4725 | Updates to sections 2.1 to 2.4 pertaining to Affordable Housing and Homelessness | Jun 22/09 | |
4721 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 4 (4755 Cherry Creek Road - NIDMAR) Bylaw No. 4721 | 4755 Cherry Ck Rd on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - to Institutional Use. | Sep 14/09 | |
4726 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 5 (3778 15th Avenue - Rai), Bylaw No. 4726 | A) 3778 15th Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Residential Use to General Commercial Use.
B) 3778 15th Ave. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include in Development Permit Area No. 2 Commercial (General). |
Oct 26/09 | |
4739 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 7 (Tomswood Road - C. and E. Power), Bylaw No. 4739 | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) is hereby amended to re-designate the area of Lot 5, District Lot 20, Alberni District, Plan 894 (PID 008-252-912) from Residential Use to Multi-Family Residential Use.
B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) is hereby amended to include Lot 5, District Lot 20, Alberni District, Plan 894 (PID 008-252-912) in Development Permit Area No. 1 Multiple Family Residential. |
Jul 12/10 | |
4728 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 6 (King Street - Southside Community Church), Bylaw No. 4728 | Schedule A (Land Use Map) is hereby amended to re-designate the area of Lot A (DD97845N), District Lot 48, Alberni District, Plan 1279, except Plans 15125 and VIP63466, from Parks and Open Space Use to Institutional Use. | Oct 24/11 | |
4795 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 12 (Beaver Creek Road - Van Isle Ford), Bylaw No. 4795 | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) is hereby amended to re-designate the area of Lot 2, District Lot 11, Alberni District, Plan 88069 from General Commercial and Institutional Use to General Commercial Use.
B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) is hereby amended to include a portion of Lot 2, District Lot 11, Alberni District, Plan 88069 in Development Permit Area No. 2 Commercial. |
Apr 10/12 | |
4778 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 10 (3010 -10th Avenue), Bylaw No. 4778 | A) 3010 10th Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) from Residential Use to Neighbourhood Commercial Use.
B) 3010 10th Ave. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include in Development Permit Area No. 2 Commercial (General). |
Oct 09/12 | |
4818 | Official Community Plan Amendment No.T3 (Temporary Use Permits), Bylaw No. 4818 | Adding provisions for Temporary Use Permits | Jun 24/13 | |
4833 | Official Community Plan Amendment No.13 (4961 Melrose Street - Van Dyk), Bylaw No. 4833 | A) 4961 Melrose St. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Residential Use to Multiple Family Residential Use.
B) 4961 Melrose St. on Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include in Development Permit Area No. 1 Multiple Family Residential. |
Jun 09/14 | |
4856 | Official Community Plan Amendment No.T4 (Bike Facilities), Bylaw No. 4856 | Updates to Section E requiring Bike Facilities in Development Permit Areas 1 and 2. | Nov 10/14 | |
4861 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 14 (Rainbow Gardens), Bylaw No. 4861 | Map Amendments: -1. Land Use Map - From Parks and Open Space to Institutional; and 2. Land Use Map - From a combination of Parks and Open Space and Future Residential to Parks and Open Space | Defeated | |
4864 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 15 (10th Avenue – Co-op Gas), Bylaw No. 4864 | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Lot 7 - From Residential to General Commercial; and Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Lots 8-10 - From Multi-Family Residential to General Commercial; and B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include Lot 7 in DPA2 - Commercial (General) Area; and Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - change Lot 8-10 from DPA1- Multiple Family Residential to DPA2 - Commercial (General) Area. | Apr 13/15 | |
4877 | Official Community Plan Amendment No. 16 (4th Avenue - Friendship Centre), Bylaw No. 4877 | 3539 & 3545 4th Ave. on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Parks and Open Space Use to Institutional Use. | Jul 27/15 | |
4889 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 17 (3333 Burde Street - Harris), Bylaw No. 4889" | 3333 Burde Street on Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from FUR Future Residential and POS Parks and Open Space to RES Residential | Rescinded | |
4891 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 18 (4905 Cherry Creek Road - Complete Contracting), Bylaw No. 4891" | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Highway Commercial Use to Industrial Use; and B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - From DPA 2 (HIghway Commercial) to DPA3 - Industrial Area. | Dec 14/15 | |
4899 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 19 (Burde Street – Phase 2 of Uplands Subdivision), Bylaw No. 4899" | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from a mix of FUR Future Residential and Parks and Open Space Use to a mix of RES Residential Use and POS Parks and Open Space Use; | Apr 10/17 | |
4902 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 20 (3532 – 4th Avenue - D. Beecroft), Bylaw No. 4902" |
A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from General Commercial Use to Residential Use; B) (Development Permit Areas Map) - From DPA 2 (HIghway Commercial) to excluded. |
Apr 11/16 | |
4912 | “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 21 (4815 Argyle Street – Patterson), Bylaw No. 4912” | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from General Commercial Use to Multi-Family Residential Use B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - From Development Permit Area No. 2 (General Commercial) to Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential). | Jul 25/16 | |
4923 | “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 22 (2720 Burde Street – Evans), Bylaw No. 4923” | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from a mix of Residential and Future Residential Use to Residential Use | Jan 23/17 | |
4926 | “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 23 (5350 Russell Street - Rainbow Gardens), Bylaw No. 4926” | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from Parks and Open Space use to Institutional Use | Jan 09/17 | |
4934 | “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 24 (2881 and 2911 Burde Street - McLellan and Ryles), Bylaw No. 4934” | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from 'Future Residential' to 'Residential' | Rescinded | |
4952 | “Official Community Plan Amendment No. 25 (4000 Burde Street - District Acquisitions Corp.), Bylaw No. 4952” |
A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from 'Institutional' to a mix of 'Multi-Family Residential' and 'Residential' B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - To include the portion of the property to be designated Multi-Family Residential to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'. |
Apr 09/18 | |
4971 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 26 (3250 and 3258 3rd Avenue – McNeal and Gibbons), Bylaw No. 4971" |
A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from 'General Commercial' to 'Multi-Family Residential' B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - from 'Development Permit Area No. 2 (General Commercial)' to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'. |
Inactive - File Closed | |
4985 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 27 (2940 Bellshill Road – Carriere), Bylaw No. 4985" | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Land Use Map - From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential'; | Jan 27/20 | |
4995 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 28 (5536 and 5546 Swallow Drive - Power), Bylaw No. 4995" |
A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential' B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)'. |
Mar 30/20 | |
5000 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 29 (4450 Maitland Street - Alberni Low Energy Housing), Bylaw No. 5000" |
A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Land Use Map - From 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential'; B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)' |
Mar 30/20 | |
5006 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No.30 (5269 Pineo Road - Murphy), Bylaw No. 5006" |
A) Land Use Map - From 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential'; B) Development Permit Areas Map - include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)" |
Sep 14/20 | |
5009 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 31 (2170 Mallory Drive - Mansett Family Holdings), Bylaw No. 5009" |
A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - from 'Residential' to 'Industrial'; and B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - include property in 'Development Permit Area No. 3 (Industrial) |
Rescinded | |
5012 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. T5 (Cannabis Cultivation - Development Permit Area Regulations), Bylaw No. 5012" | Text Amendment - Add Cannabis Cultivation and Processing provisions to Development Permit Areas. | Oct 13/20 | |
5015 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 32 (4305 Kendall Avenue - BC Housing Oomiiqsu), Bylaw No. 5015" | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - Land Use Map - From 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential';
B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - to 'Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)' |
May 25/21 | |
5018 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 33 (4279 Ravenhill Avenue - Jaenicke), Bylaw No.5018" | Land Use Map - From a mix of 'Park and Open Space' and 'Future Residential' to a mix of 'Park and Open Space' and 'Residential | Jun 14/21 | |
5031 |
"Official Community Plan Amendment No. 34 (4905 Cherry Creek Road - Evans), Bylaw No. 5031" |
Land Use Map - From 'Industrial' to ' General Commercial' | Oct 12/21 | |
5036 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 35 (4440 Vimy Street - BC Housing - ACAWS), Bylaw No. 5036" | Land Use Map - Portion of property from 'Parks and Open Space' to 'Institutional; | Mar 14/22 | |
5042 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 36 (5th Avenue & Burde Street - Carniato), Bylaw No. 5042" | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - ‘General Commercial’ use to ‘Multiple Family Residential’ use.
B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - to ‘Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)’. |
Aug 08/22
5046 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 37 (4738 Athol Street - Rai), Bylaw No. 5046" | A) Schedule A (Land Use Map) - ‘Residential’ use to ‘Multiple Family Residential’ use.
B) Schedule B (Development Permit Areas Map) - to ‘Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)’. |
Jan 23/23 | |
5051 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 38 (4210 Cedarwood Street - Citaapi Mahtii Housing Society), Bylaw No. 5051" | Map Amendment 1: Land Use Map - From 'Institutional' to 'Multi-Family Residential'; Map Amendment 2: |
Oct 24/22 | |
5057 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 39 (3351, 3359, 3369 - 3rd Avenue - Galloway), Bylaw No. 5057" | Map Amendment 1: Land Use Map - From 'Residential' to 'Multi-Family Residential'; Map Amendment 2: |
Inactive. Files Closed. | |
5070 | "Official Community Plan Amendment No. 40 (2601 Burde Street - Irg), Bylaw No. 5070" | Map Amendment: Land Use Map - From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential' |
May 23/23 | |
5078 | "Official Community Plan Map Amendment (2846 4th Avenue) Bylaw No. 5078" | Text and Map Amendments to add additional Design Guidelines for Townhouses, include the property in Development Permit Area No. 1 Multiple Family Residential) and to change designation to "Multi-Family Residential" | Jun 26/23 | |
5084 | "Official Community Plan Amendment (2780 Burde Street - Elliot) Bylaw No. 5084" | Map Amendment: From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential' | Feb 12/24 | |
5092 | "Official Community Plan Amendment (3690 Loewen Road and 2791 Burde Street) Bylaw No. 5092" | Map Amendment: From 'Future Residential' to 'Residential' (a portion of the site) | Nov 27/23 | |
5094 | "Official Community Plan Amendment (3830 5th Avenue) Bylaw No. 5094" | Map Amendment 1: Land Use Map - From 'Institutional to 'Multi-Family Residential' Map Amendment 2: Include property in ''Development Permit Area No. 1 (Multiple Family Residential)" |
Active | |
5098 | "Official Community Plan Amendment (2856 4th Avenue) Bylaw No. 5098" | Map Amendment 1: Land Use Map - From 'General Commercial' to 'Multi-Family Residential'; Map Amendment 2: |
May 27/24 | |
5110 | "Official Community Plan Amendment (15th Avenue at Montrose Street), Bylaw No. 5110" | Map Amendment 1: Land Use Map - From 'General Commercial' to 'Multi-Family Residential'; Map Amendment 2: |
Active |