Official versions of all minutes are available through the Director of Corporate Services. For information about how meetings are conducted please review the Council Meeting Overview.
If you wish to speak to Council or have them consider a request please review the options for Communicating with Council.
Changes to the regular meeting schedule and any special meetings of Council, including cancellations will be posted on the City's public notice posting place.
Regular Meeting of Council
City Council generally meets at 2:00pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month. View the full Council Meeting Schedule.
Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole (COW) meetings generally take place at 6:00 pm on the third Monday of each month and are a a less formal, discussion-oriented meeting with the same members of Council. Generally, matters are discussed at the Committee of the Whole level first, then depending on the recommendations stemming from the Committee meeting, considered for approval at the subsequent Council meeting. Committee of the Whole Meeting Schedule.
Public Participation in City Council Meetings
In an effort to make Council meetings more accessible to the public, the City of Port Alberni provides various ways to participate. Members of the public who wish to attend Council meetings have the option to:
- Attend in-person in City Hall, Council Chambers, located at 4850 Argyle Street
- Watch a livestream by visiting www.portalberni.ca ;
- Join online using MS Teams. Find the meeting date from the list below for which you would like to participate. Click on the 'Webinar' link to register as an attendee.
- Join by phone using MS Teams. Find the meeting date from the list below for which you would like to participate. Click on the 'Webinar' link to register as an attendee.
Council Meeting Web cast
Council web casts are available only when meetings are in session. Please note that a video picture is displayed only when a meeting is taking place.