Addressing (Civic Address)

Addressing (Civic Address)

Who Assigns my Civic Address?

The City Building Inspector and/or the Manager of Planning assign civic numbers / addresses within the City of Port Alberni.  Canada Post is the authority for assigning you a Postal Code.  Consistent addressing and numbering of buildings and suites within the city helps emergency response personnel, delivery drivers, and the general public locate buildings.  The City supplies North Island 911 Corporation with civic addressing information for emergency response agency dispatch including the Port Alberni Fire Department and local R.C.M.P. detachment.

Changing your Civic Address (property, building, or suite):

  • It is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that the correct civic addressing on their property is being used.  Please take note that the civic number posted on a doorway is not always correct for a variety of reasons.  You will avoid unnecessary problems if you confirm your correct civic address by consulting with the Building Inspector.  If confirmation is required in writing it can be requested and obtained from the Building Inspector.
  • Requests to assign a new address or to change a building address or a suite number can only be made by the registered owner of the property and must be submitted in writing to the Building Inspector.  The Building Inspector will issue a written confirmation of the civic addressing assigned to a property.
  • You are responsible under the House Numbering Bylaw #3297 to ensure that:
    • Your civic address, as assigned by the Building Inspector, is affixed to your home
    • The numbers affixed are plainly visible from the street line and constructed of material that is of a permanent nature.

Changing your Mailing Address:

  • Keep your mailing address current for property assessment and taxation purposes.
  • Only registered owners may request a change of mailing address for:
    • BC Assessment records
    • Property Tax notices
    • Metered water and sewer utility notices
    • Non-City related services (ex. Gas, Hydro)
  • Mailing address changes for other types of accounts including Business or Animal licensing must be received by the City in writing.

If your mailing address is not the same as the civic address on your property:


For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
