Retaining Walls and Structures

Retaining Walls and Structures

A Building Permit is required for the construction of a retaining wall or structure greater than 1.2 meters in height.

A Registered Professional shall undertake the design and conduct field reviews of the construction of a retaining structure greater than 1.2 meters in height.  Sealed copies of the design plan and field review by means of Letters of Assurance in the form of Schedules B-1, B-2, and C-B referred to in Section 2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code for all retaining Structures greater than 1.2 meters in height shall be submitted to a Building Official prior to the issuance of a permit. 

Application Form
See Application Forms - Building and Renovations and click on Building / Plumbing Permit Application.  
For information about Permit fees see Building Permit Fees
Building Bylaw 5077
Part 11: Retaining Walls and Grades

11.1     No person may construct, or structurally repair, a retaining wall without a building permit.

11.2     Except as certified by a professional engineer with expertise in geotechnical engineering registered in the Province of British Columbia, fill material placed on a parcel, unless restrained by permitted retaining walls, must not have a surface slope exceeding a ratio of one linear unit vertically to two linear  units horizontally.

11.3     Without limiting section 11.2, no person may occupy a building unless the finished grade complies with all applicable enactments.


18.1     Retaining wall means a structure exceeding 1.2 metres in height that holds or retains soil or other material behind it and requires professional engineering.

For more information, please contact
Building Services
Building Permitting & Inspections

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
