Climate Action Charter

Climate Action Charter

The City of Port Alberni proudly signed on to the voluntary, Provincial Climate Action Charter (CAC) created to recognize the shared commitment of municipalities and the Province of BC in addressing climate change. The Charter focuses on the reduction of emissions from the municipality’s corporate operations, such as transportation, buildings and solid waste. 


  • Be carbon neutral in corporate operations by 2012
  • Measure and report on our community greenhouse gas emission profile
  • Work to create more a more energy efficient community


The BC Ministry of Environment performed a Community Energy and Emissions Inventories (CEEI) for municipalities to assist with meeting the goals and commitments of the Climate Action Charter. These were updated in 2007 and represent community wide energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste, transportation and buildings.

DID YOU KNOW?   In 2007 Port Alberni’s community-wide energy consumption and GHG emissions were 123,623 tonnes of CO2e.

The CEEI provides a snapshot of emissions for the community but it does not provide specific figures for the City of Port Alberni’s corporate operations.  The City conducted an inventory of emissions of its own internal operations to establish a baseline and measure its carbon footprint.  Like the C.E.E.I performed by the Province, this internal inventory included emissions from transportation, buildings and solid waste.

In 2018 the City of Port Alberni submitted a report for the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP),  a conditional granting program that provides funding to Climate Action Charter signatories equivalent to 100 percent of the carbon taxes they pay directly. 


The BC Government's Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP), launched in 2022, aims to provide predictable, long-term funding for local governments and Modern Treaty Nations to plan and implement climate action that will reduce emissions, create new opportunities for people in the clean economy and prepare communities for future climate impacts. As part of the program, recipients of funding will be required to report on their actions.

1. 2023 LGCAP Survey Submission
2. 2024 LGCAP Survey Submission


For more information, please contact
Mike Fox
Chief Administrative Officer

City Hall, 4850 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V8
