Development Permit Areas

Development Permit Areas

Section E of the Official Community Plan includes details for the Development Permit Areas that apply to the form and character of development for many properties zoned as commercial, industrial, or multi-family. If your property falls into one of these categories you may need a Development Permit before applying for a Building Permit.  

The Development Permit process is based on the Local Government Act and local bylaws including the Official Community Plan and the Zoning Bylaw.  Plan reviews, approvals, and site inspections in relationship to land use, site development, streetscape, planning principles, densities, landscaping, transportation, parking etc., are provided to ensure that development takes place in accordance to the approved planning, engineering and environmental policies.

Development Permit Areas that have been designated in Port Alberni include:

  1. Multiple Family
  2. Commercial - a) General and b)  Highway
  3. Industrial

Schedule B - Development Permit Areas Map 

Development Permit Area Guidelines 

Understanding the process

To apply for a Development Permit you will need to fill out the application form.   Visit APPLICATION FORMS - SUBDIVISION AND LAND USE and click on Development Permit Application.

For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
