Subdivision and Strata in Port Alberni
Subdivision and Strata in Port Alberni
Subdivision can generally be described as the legal mechanism to create new, titled parcels of land. Where a proposed subdivision complies with the current zoning regulations for the parcel, applications are submitted to the City of Port Alberni Subdivision Approving Officer. Privately owned land in B.C. is registered under the Torrens land title registration system. Generally, land cannot be conveyed or subdivided without registering the changes in the Land Title Office.
Subdivision Process
Where to start:
- Read about the City of Port Alberni Subdivision Process.
- Prior to submitting an Application it is strongly recommended that you discuss your plans with the Subdivision Approving Officer and have an understanding of the specific issues you will need to address in your subdivision application.
- Check the Official Community Plan Future Land Use Map for the designation of your property. Does your proposal comply with the OCP designation? If not you may need to apply for an OCP amendment.
- Check the OCP Development Permit Areas Map to find out if your property falls into a designated Development Permit Area. If it does you may be required to apply for a Development Permit.
- Check the Zoning Bylaw Map to find out what zone your property is in and what regulations apply to that zone. Will your proposal require amendments to the Zoning Bylaw? If so you may have to apply to rezone the property.
- Determine whether or not your property falls within the area designated in the Floodplain Bylaw. If it does it may impact your ability to subdivide.
- Meet with the Director of Development Services to discuss your proposal and ensure that you have all the information you need to determine what development applications and processes will be required to proceed.
- Discuss your proposal with the Engineering/Public Works Department and ask what costs may be payable to the municipality as part of your proposal. These may include the required sanitary sewer, stormwater, water, roads, sidewalks and street improvements costs. See Development Cost Charges.
- Understand the development process that your proposal requires.
- Submit a complete application ensuring that ALL required information, signatures and attachments are included.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):