Demolition Permit

Demolition Permit

If you are demolishing a building you will need to apply for a Demolition Permit. 



Demolition Permit Application Package

Submission Guidelines for Demolition Permits/Standard Building Permits


Demolition Permit Application Process 

Step One: Prepare Application 

  • Familiarize yourself with the City's Building Bylaw No. 5077Zoning Bylaw No. 5105, and Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5076 to ensure that your demolition and subsequent development proposal is feasible. 
  • Prepare the Application Package Forms and required supporting documents outlined in the Demolition Permit Application Checklist, including the drawings and/or plans.  If you have any questions about Demolition Permit application requirements, contact Development Services to confirm details.

Step Two: Submit Application 

  • Submit your Building Permit application to Development Services via email or in-person at the Planning/Building/Engineering Building at Upper - 4835 Argyle St.. Only complete applications will be accepted. 
  • Pay the $100 Application Fee.

Step Three: Application Review & Circulation 

  • Once the application is accepted, staff will review it against legislation and bylaws. 
  • Applications may be circulated for comment to internal departments and relevant external agencies, including but not limited to Planning, Engineering, Fire and Emergency Services, Parks, RCMP, Building Official, and Utilities. 
  • The applicant will be contacted in the event that any issues with their proposal are identified or any additional information is required. 
  • IMPORTANT: The City of Port Alberni requires the existing City service connections (water, sanitary and storm drain) be re-certified and capped at the property line if they will be reused or decommissioned if the services will not be reused. This work will be completed by City Forces at the Applicants expense prior the Demo Permit being issued. The City's Engineering Department will coordinate this with the applicant. Additional information can be found HERE or reach out to 

Step Four: Permit Issuance 

  • If the application meets all relevant regulations and bylaws, and City services have been decommissioned or capped, then the permit can be issued. The applicant will be notified that their permit invoice is ready. 
  • Applicants are required to pay the Demolition Permit Fee as well as any development cost charges, service upgrades, securities for works and services prior to a Demolition Permit being granted. Permit fees can be paid online or in-person downstairs at City Hall (cash, debit, or cheque). 
  • Once a Demolition Permit is issued, applicants are required to post the Demolition Permit on site. 
  • No unsafe condition may be created or permitted. The demolition site must be left in a safe, neat condition free from debris and to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector;
  • The Building Inspector must be provided with 48 hours notice to facilitate the removal of the water meter.

Step Five: Post-Demolition Notification & Site Visit 

  • After demolition and site cleaning is complete, the applicant must contact the Building Officials at of project completion. City Building Officials will then perform a site visit to confirm completion and assess potential damage to public works. 
  • Subsequent permits will not be issued for a property if a post-demolition site visit has not occurred.


Building Bylaw 2018, No. 5077 Fee Schedule

Contaminated Sites Regulation: Schedule 2

Site Disclosure Statement 

Port Alberni Work Site Fire Safety Plan 

BC Building Code 

BC Energy Step Code Requirements 

Land Title Survey Authority 

For more information, please contact
Building Services
Building Permitting & Inspections

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
