Water Restrictions
Water Restrictions
Water conservation is everyone’s responsibility. By reducing the amount of water consumed throughout the driest months of the year we are acting as good stewards towards our natural resources. Conserving water gives us the opportunity to play an important part in helping the environment maintain the natural levels of our source water.
To ensure the continued supply of safe, high-quality drinking water throughout the hot, dry summer months, the City implements annual Stage 1 Water Restrictions. These restrictions are typically in place from July 1 - September 30. However, if hot weather persists, the City will trigger further restrictions. For more information on the various stages, please see below.
Thank you for conserving water in your community.
Please see information below:
Water Restrictions - FAQ
Water Restrictions - At a Glance
Water Restrictions - At a Glance
For more information on the various stages, please see below.
Water Restrictions Stages 1 to 4