Official Community Plan

Official Community Plan

The Official Community Plan (OCP) is intended to be a “living” document that lays out the vision and goals to guide our community’s growth and success over the long term. The City last updated the OCP 14 years ago but times have changed and our region is growing.
In late 2021/early 2022 the City launched a formal review of its OCP. This "review" is an opportunity for the City to ensure the goals and objectives set out in the OCP are still important to the community. Since the OCP is a long-term guiding document it is also important that everything stated in the plan is still relevant to the future of the community and reflects the values of residents. The first round of consultation on the OCP review closed on March 16, 2022, with substantial input provided by the public. For more of what the City heard and where the City is going with the review process, visit the project page at .  
Policies and land use designations may be revised through adoption of an amending bylaw, by City Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act. Community plans typically involve a 20 year planning horizon and are reviewed every five years to assess whether the goals and objectives and subsequent policy direction remains valid for the community. 
To learn more about how the Official Community Plan affects development visit the  Development and Community Planning page.


Schedule A - Land Use Map

Schedule B - Development Permit Areas Map

Note that Schedule A and B maps are office consolidations only and are provided for your convenience. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy however they are not legal maps. For accurate information refer to specific bylaws and amendments available at City Hall.

See the Table of Amending Bylaws for updates to the OCP. 
For information about how the OCP can be amended please read:  OCP Amendment Process 
For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
