Development Cost Charges (DCC)

Development Cost Charges (DCC)

A development cost charge (DCC) is a fee that the City levies on new developments to help cover the cost of expanding or improving transportation (such as roads, pedestrian and bicycle access), water, sewer, storm drainage and parkland to accommodate growth.  The charges are detailed in Bylaw No. 4713 "A Bylaw to impose Development cost charges for Water, Sewage, Drainage, Highway Facilities and Park Land.

This fee does not pay for the operation and maintenance of the City's existing infrastructure and parkland, nor does it pay for new services and facilities.

Who pays these charges?

  1. Those applying to subdivide a property
  2. Developers who are applying for a building permit to construct or alter a multi-family residential, commercial, institutional or industrial development.

What are the fees?

See Fees and Charges - Land Use and Development.

Are there any exemptions from paying a Development Cost Charge?

Yes the following situations would qualify as exemptions:

  1. A building permit issued for a project that is, or will be, exempt from taxation.
  2. A building permit issued for  a project that will contain fewer than three dwelling units.
  3. A building permit for which the value of the work authorized by the building permit does not exceed $100,00 or such other amount prescribed by regulation pursuant to section 933 (4) of the Local Government Act.



For more information, please contact
Scott Smith
Director of Development Services

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V8
