Land Titles

Land Titles

For all Building and Land Use applications the City of Port Alberni requires that you submit, with your application, a current (within 30 days) Land Title search for ALL properties and legal parcels affected by your application. 

The Provincial BC Land Title and Survey (LTSA) offices cannot use a civic or street address to perform a title search. To search for a Land Title document (Sample) a PID or Title Number is required. Land title documents are assigned a document reference number which when registered is recorded on the property's title. The document number is the access point for its retrieval, when required.

Many of the LTSA's historical records are title‐related paper documents that are securely stored in land title office vaults. All paper documents received by land title offices since 1994 have been scanned and stored in electronic format upon receipt. LTSA staff then proceed with the examination and registration of the documents in electronic form. 

Today, all documents  registered since 1994 may be obtained in electronic form through myLTSA Enterprise, and some of those dating prior to this date will be accessible electronically in the future. As a result, the LTSA can provide convenient online access to over 10 million electronic title‐related documents.

You will need one of the following pieces of information to conduct a title search:

  1. Current Land Title document identifier (usually alphanumeric).
  2. Nine‐digit Parcel Identifier Number (PID).
  3. Legal description of the parcel of interest.

To do your own Title Search visit the Provincial BC Land Title and Survey (LTSA) webpage or seek the assistance of a legal professional. Here are the recommended professionals to consult in the following areas:

  Type of Document: Who To Consult:


Title searches and accessing records: 

Registry agent, BC lawyer, BC notary public, BC land surveyor, or anyone with a myLTSA Enterprise account.


Survey plan or boundary advice:

BC land surveyor.


Building location surveys and certificates: 

BC land surveyor.


Property assessment information: 

BC Assessment Authority.


Land use or municipal information: 

Your local city, municipality or regional district.


For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
