Bylaws (City)

City Bylaws

The City of Port Alberni has adopted over 4,700 bylaws. Bylaws are required for significant decisions and commitments made by City Council including the establishment of the financial plan, borrowing, regulations and land use controls.

Disclaimer - Online versions are for convenience only and are not official.  Official Bylaws, including supporting documentation, are available for inspection at the City Clerk's office and can be purchased for a nominal cost.  The City will not be liable or responsible for damages of any kind arising out of the use of the online versions.

 See the city's  Official Community Plan Bylaw.

 See the city's Zoning Bylaw.

For more information, please contact
Sara Darling
Director of Corporate Services

City Hall, 4850 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V8


City Bylaws

Number Year Title / Description
5121 2025 Parks and Public Places Bylaw No. 5121

A bylaw to protect and enhance recreational areas, preserve natural and environmental conditions, and ensure safety and enjoyment while preventing conflicts within City parks and public places.

5122 2025 Fire Control Bylaw No. 5122, 2024

This bylaw establishes the standards for fire safety systems, including emergency exits, smoke alarms, and evacuations.

5104 2024 Tax Rates Bylaw, 2024

A Bylaw to impose taxation rates for the City of Port Alberni.

5097, 5097-1 2024 Five Year Financial Plan 2024-2028 - Consolidated

A Bylaw created pursuant to Section 165 of the Community Charter that authorizes the expenditure of funds for the municipality.

5090, 5090-1, 5115 2023 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw to exempt certain properties from municipal property taxation pursuant to the Community Charter.

5077 2023 Building Bylaw

A Bylaw to provide for the administration and enforcement of the British Columbia Building Code within the City of Port Alberni.

5076 2023 Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5076, 2023

A Bylaw to establish procedures for the processing of land development applications.

5061 2023 Officers and Indemnification Bylaw

A Bylaw to establish Officer positions and indemnify its municipal officials under sections of the Community Charter and the Local Government Act.

5054 2022 City of Port Alberni Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 5054, 2022

The provisions of this Bylaw apply to general local elections and other voting.

5050 2022 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw

A bylaw to designate the Director of Corporate Services as Head and the Deputy City Clerk as Coordinator to process Access Requests.

5030, 5109 2021 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Bylaw (Garbage) Consolidated

A Bylaw to establish and provide for the operation of a service comprising the collection, removal, storage and disposal of waste material and to regulate, prohibit and impose requirements in relation to the service.

4998, 4998-1 2019 Places of Public Worship Exemption Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw to exempt land or improvements used or occupied by a religious organization for the purpose of public worship.

4975 2018 Building Standards Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw requiring that property owners safeguard, secure and maintain buildings and that authorizes officers, employees and agents of the municipality to enter any property to ascertain compliance with the municipality's bylaws.

4705, 4969, 4705-2, 4705-3 2018 City of Port Alberni Nuisance Abatement Bylaw

A Bylaw to regulate, prohibit and impose requirements in relation to nuisances.

4959 2018 Community Heritage Commission Bylaw 2018, Bylaw No. 4959

A Bylaw to set out the method of appointment of membership to the Commission; together with the composition, duties and procedures.

4951, 4951-1, 4951-2 2017 Business Licence Regulation Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw to authorize the issuance of business licences and to regulate businesses within the boundaries of the City of Port Alberni.

4947 2017 Development Cost Charges Reduction Bylaw

A Bylaw to waive or reduce development cost charge for an eligible development.

4929 + Amendments 2017 Bylaw Offence Notice Enforcement Bylaw-Consolidated

A bylaw respecting the enforcement of bylaw offence notices.

2016 Council Remuneration and Expenses Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw to provide for Council Member remuneration and expenses and special expenditures by Council.

4898 2016 Commercial Revitalization Tax Exemption Program

The purpose of this bylaw is to stimulate growth and development in the City's commercial areas.

4874 2015 Anti-Littering Bylaw No. 4874

A bylaw to promote a safe, comfortable, inviting community and prohibit littering and other objectionable situations.

4976 2015 City of Port Alberni Cemetery Management, Bylaw No. 4976

A bylaw to regulate, operate and maintain the Greenwood Cemetery.

4872 2015 Recreation Facilities Fees and Charges Bylaw

A Bylaw that lists fees and charges for the Recreation facilities.

4843 + 5055 2014 Sign Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw to regulate signs.

4836 2014 Emergency Plan 2014 Bylaw

A Bylaw to develop and implement plans for emergencies and disasters in the City of Port Alberni and Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District.

4830 4860 4895 4938 4961 5082 2013 Council Procedures Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw to establish the general procedures to be followed by Council in conducting their business.

4828 2013 Business Licence (Inter-Community) Bylaw

A business licence which authorizes Inter Community Business to be carried on within the boundaries of any or all of the participating municipalities.

4817 2013 Carbon Fund, Port Alberni

A Bylaw to establish a reserve fund for new greenhouse gas reduction initiatives to offset annual greenhouse gas emissions.

4819 2013 Fireworks Regulation Bylaw

A Bylaw to regulate the sale and possession of fireworks and limit the discharge of fireworks within City limits.

4824 + 4897 2013 Revitalization Tax Exemption Program - Consolidated

A Bylaw to establish a comprehensive revitalization tax exemption program.

4818 2013 Temporary Use Permits (Official Community Plan Amendment)

A Bylaw to provide a short term opportunity for land uses that either relocate or cease to exist within a maximum of a six year period.

4802 2012 Wood Burning Appliance (Solid-Fuel) Emissions Bylaw

A Bylaw to regulate emissions from solid-fuel burning appliances such as wood stoves.

4738 2009 Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw

A Bylaw to establish the Advisory Planning Commission to advise Council on all matters respecting land use and community planning.

4713 2009 Development Cost Charges Bylaw

A Bylaw to impose the City's Development Cost Charges.

4718 + 4804 2009 Noise Control Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw to regulate noise, nuisance and disturbances.

4712 2009 Property Maintenance Bylaw

A Bylaw to regulate the maintenance of real property and related matters.

4670 2008 Traffic Regulation Bylaw (includes Snow Removal) - Consolidated

A Bylaw for the regulation of streets and traffic within the City of Port Alberni.

4665, 4710, 4751, 4831, 4880, 5100 2007 Fees and Charges Bylaw - Consolidated

A Bylaw that lists fees and charges for the City of Port Alberni.

4593, 4666, 4823, 5117 2006 Animal Control and Pound Bylaw - Consolidated Version

A Bylaw to regulate the keeping of dogs and cats and other animals in the City of Port Alberni.

4494, 4514, 4540, 4569, 4774, 4815, 4844, 4881, 4916, 4943, 4968, 4991, 5035, 5062, 5088, 5107 2001 Waterworks Bylaw - Consolidated Version

A bylaw to regulate the waterworks system of the City including the Distribution System, reservoirs, treatment-facilities, pumpstations, dams and intakes.  

4288 1996 Floodplain Bylaw

A Bylaw to designate land as Floodplain and regulate the development of land that is subject to flooding.

4130, 4292 1994 Subdivision and Development Bylaw No. 4130

The Subdivision and Development Bylaw is a bylaw to regulate and require the provision of works and services in respect of the subdivision and development of land.

4144 1993 Blasting Bylaw

A bylaw to regulate the use of any explosive agent for blasting and regulate persons engaged in the blasting and require persons engaged in blasting to give security for damage to persons who, or whose property, may be injured by it.

3947 1990 Soil Removal and Deposit Regulation Bylaw, Bylaw No. 3947

A bylaw to regulate or prohibit the removal or deposit of soil, sand, gravel rock or other substance from or upon land, and require the holding of a permit for the purpose and fix a fee for the permit.

3869 1988 Boulevard and Tree Care Maintenance Bylaw

A bylaw to regulate the maintenance of boulevards and the planting and care of shade or ornamental trees, shrubs and bushes.

3297 1975 House Numbering Bylaw

A Bylaw to regulate the assigning of numbers to buildings and structures.

3224, 3985, 4054, 4425, 4648, 4682, 4717, 4773, 4814, 4845, 4882, 4917, 4942, 4967, 4990, 5034, 5063, 5089, 5108 1974 Sewer Connection and Regulation Bylaw (Sewer Rates) Consolidated

A Bylaw to regulate the extension of and connections to the sanitary sewer system of the Municipality; to impose sewer connection fees, user rates and rentals for use of said sewers and to establish fees, rules and regulations for the disposal of industrial waste into the municipal sewerage system.