Non-Resident Property Elector

Non-Resident Property Elector

If you do not live in Port Alberni, but own property here, you can vote as a non-resident property elector (NRPE) if you:

  • are eligible to vote as a Resident Elector in another municipality or regional district in BC and not in Port Alberni (i.e., a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age or older, a resident of BC for at least six months, a resident of another local government in BC, and not disqualified); AND
  • are 18 years of age or older (December 14, 2006) on or before general voting day; AND
  • own property in Port Alberni for at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of registration (June 15, 2024); AND
  • are not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment, or by law from voting in a local election

When registering, you will be required to provide two pieces of identification: one containing your name and address, the other with your name and signature. In addition to the identification, you will need satisfactory proof of ownership in the form of a tax notice, assessment notice or other legal documentation proving property ownership, such as a bill of sale issued prior to Wednesday, November 13, 2024.

Non-resident property electors can only vote once, regardless of the number of properties they own in the City of Port Alberni.

If more than one person owns the property, only one owner may register and that person must have the written consent of a majority of the other owners; and

Section 66(1)(f) of the Local Government Act states that the only persons who are registered owners, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust.

If you meet all the requirements, you may register on the day you vote at either an advance voting opportunity or on general voting day. However, if more than one person is registered as an owner on the property's land title, a "Non-Resident Elector Consent Form" containing signed consent from the majority of the registered owners is required.

The "Non-Resident Property Elector Consent Form" is written consent from the majority of the registered owners appointing one of the registered owners as the non-resident property elector for the property.

I own a company or business located within the City, do I get a vote?

No - a corporation is not entitled to be registered as an elector or have a representative registered as an elector. There is no corporate vote in British Columbia.

Detailed voter information for Non-Resident Property Electors is included in the attached pdf below.