Plumbing Permits/Perimeter Drains

Plumbing Permits/Perimeter Drains

The City of Port Alberni requires that you obtain a Plumbing Permit prior to any construction, extension, or repair of any plumbing system, or to make a connection to any sewer system. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Installation of a new fixtures, such as a sink or shower
  • Removing of a fixture or part of a plumbing system
  • Extension or installation of a sanitary sewer, storm sewer or water service
  • Installation or alteration of a fire sprinkler system or standpipe system
  • Installation or alteration of a footing drain or storm drain system
  • Installation of any back-flow prevention
  • Installation of a lawn irrigation system
A Plumbing Permit may not be required for minor modifications such as:
  • Replacing existing fixtures in same location
  • Repairing existing fixtures

Conditions to Note:

  • No person shall conceal any part of a plumbing system unless it has been inspected and approved by the Building Inspector;
  • Plumbing must be installed in accordance with the British Columbia Plumbing Code in effect.  

Note that  all buildings are required to have a water meter installed.  

Application Forms
See Complex Building Permits or Standard Building Permits or Perimeter Drain Permits and select the appropriate Building/Plumbing Permit Application.  
For information about Permit fees see Building Bylaw 2018, Bylaw No. 5077 Fee Schedule 



For more information, please contact
Building Services
Building Permitting & Inspections

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
