Voter Information

Voter Information

Attention Voters!

There are two ways you can be eligible to vote: as a Resident Elector, or as a Non-Resident Property Elector.

Resident Elector

You are eligible to vote in the City of Port Alberni as a resident elector if you:

  • are a Canadian citizen; AND
  • are 18 years of age or older (December 14, 2006) on or before general voting day; AND
  • have lived in British Columbia for at least six months before you register to vote (June 15, 2024, is the last day to meet 6-month registration requirement); AND
  • are a resident of the City of Port Alberni; AND
  • are not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other act from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law.

If you meet all of the above requirements, you can vote, and it does not matter whether you rent or own your home.

Non-Resident Elector

If you do not live in Port Alberni, but own property here, you can vote as a non-resident property elector (NRPE) if you:

  • are eligible to vote as a Resident Elector in another municipality or regional district in BC and not in Port Alberni (i.e., a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age or older, a resident of BC for at least six months, a resident of another local government in BC, and not disqualified); AND
  • are 18 years of age or older (December 14, 2006) on or before general voting day; AND
  • own property in Port Alberni for at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of registration (November 13, 2024); AND
  • are not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment, or by law from voting in a local election

Frequently Asked Questions for Voters

Acceptable Forms of ID

When registering at any time, you will be required to provide two pieces of identification. Accepted documents include:

  • British Columbia Driver’s Licence
  • BC Identification Card within the meaning of the Identification Card Regulation
  • BC Services Card within the meaning of the Identification Card Regulation [photo or non-photo]
  • Owner’s Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence issued by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
  • BC CareCard or BC Gold CareCard
  • Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN) card or confirmation of SIN letter issued by the government of Canada
  • Citizenship Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada,
  • City of Port Alberni | Property Tax Notice
  • Credit card or debit card issued by a savings institution



New this year! You can choose to vote by mail. This new voting opportunity is in addition to advance and general voting days, making voting even more convenient.

How to apply for a mail ballot:

1. Online: Apply online Request for Mail Ballot

2. In Person: Pick up an application package at City Hall, 4850 Argyle Street

3. By Phone: Contact the Chief Election Officer, 250.720.2822 and request an application package to be mailed to your residence.

Once you have received your application package:

  • Complete the application form and email, fax, mail, or deliver it to the Chief Election Officer

          Chief Election Officer, 250.720.2822,

           City of Port Alberni

           4850 Argyle Street

           Port Alberni, BC  V9Y 1V8

  • If your application is complete and you qualify to vote by mail ballot, a package will be sent to you as soon as the ballots are available [late November/early December]. If we receive your application after Tuesday, November 29, 2024 at 12 noon, the time may be insufficient for mailing and receipt of the ballot; therefore, we recommend that you arrange to pick up a mail ballot package from City Hall (4850 Argyle St.)
  • You are responsible for ensuring that your completed ballot and documents are received by the Chief Election Officer no later than 8:00 pm on Voting Day, Saturday, December 14, 2024.