Building - Professional Design and Certification

Building - Professional Design and Certification

The Building Inspector may require a Registered Professional to provide design and plan certification and field review by means of Letters of Assurance in the form of Schedules B-1, B-2 and C-B referred to in section 2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code when he or she considers that the site conditions, size, complexity or any other aspect of a development warrant such.

Letters of Assurance

Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for a Complex Building, or Standard Building in circumstances where Letters of Assurance have been required in accordance with the Building Bylaw, the owner must provide the City with Letters of Assurance in the form of Schedules C-A and/or C-B, as is appropriate, referred to in section 2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code. The Letters of Assurance are relied upon by the City and its Building officials as certification that the design and plans to which the letters of assurance relate comply with the Building Code and other applicable enactments relating to safety. 

How does this affect my application?

  • A notice will be given to the owner that the Building Permit is issued in reliance upon the certification of the Registered Professionals that the design and plans submitted in support of the application for the Building Permit comply with the Building Code and other applicable enactments relating to safety. 
  • When the Building Inspector issues a Building Permit for the construction of a Complex Building or for a Standard Building, that requires professional design, the building portion of the permit fee shall be reduced by ten percent of the fees payable pursuant to Schedule "A" of the Building Bylaw, up to a maximum reduction of $500.00 (five hundred dollars). 
For more information, please contact
Building Services
Building Permitting & Inspections

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
