Scott Kenny Trail
Scott Kenny Trail
Scott Kenny Trail is a new multi-use trail that crosses the Roger Creek ravine between Cherry Creek Road/Tebo Avenue and near 10th Avenue behind Glenwood Center. The trail provides a 2.1 km crosstown connection between the north and south sides of Port Alberni which were historically two separate communities. Steep shale walls on both sides of the ravine make for a quick descent to the expansive ravine bottom where a foot/bicycle bridge crossing of Roger Creek is provided. Trails users who don’t wish to descend into ravine can follow the trail along the plateau around which two arms of the trail go before connecting below.
The trail is named after Scott Kenny, the City’s former Director of Parks, Recreation and Heritage, who is passionate about connecting people with nature and led the development of this trail and many others. The creation of the trail was done in partnership with West Coast Aquatic, who undertook significant salmon enhancement work with the creation of off channel habitat for coho, chum, cutthroat, steelhead and pink salmon. The trail affords excellent views and access to these enhancement works, located nearby the bridge over Roger Creek.