COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates

Below you will find a summary of government announcements, facts on City and Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District services, facilities and operations, and quick links for easy access to timely, reliable information from lead government agencies.

What's New

  • City and ACRD playgrounds closed until further notice.
  • The Regular Meeting of Council, scheduled for Monday, March 23, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., has been cancelled.
City & ACRD Updates
Have Questions About City/ACRD Business?
How long will access to City facilities be restricted to the public?

At this time, we do not know how long the closures will be in effect. The City and ACRD are dedicated to the health of well-being of its citizens and will provide updates regularly through web and social media posts, site signage and messages from the Emergency Operation Centre and City Council.  

How can I interact with the City?

The City can be reached by telephone (250-723-2146), email ( or through our many online services.

Is the City still providing services?

At this time, garbage pick-up continues on schedule, high-quality water and sewer services continue, our parks, trails and other open spaces are available for recreation, our fire department will continue to respond quickly to emergencies, and our Engineering and Planning departments will continue to work with homeowners and developers to support development in Port Alberni.
