ACRD & City Open Level 1 Emergency Operations Centre to Support Local Response to COVID-19

ACRD & City Open Level 1 Emergency Operations Centre to Support Local Response to COVID-19

The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) jointly with the City of Port Alberni have opened a Level One Emergency Operations Centre to support the local response to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

The purpose of the Emergency Operations Centre is to gather and share information related to COVID-19, to carry out advance planning in the event the COVID-19 situation escalates locally, and to determine the potential for operational impacts to local govrenment services. Both organizations have jointly developed a COVID-19 Response Plan (the Plan) to help prepare for the potential arrival of COVID-19. The Plan aims to strengthen preparedness at the local level, both publically and within the two government organizations.

Currently, the Public Health Agency of Canada has assessed the public health risk as low for the general population in Canada. As lead agencies for British Columbia, the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) and the BC Ministry of Health are closely monitoring the situation and continually reassessing the risk level as new information becomes available.

Residents are reminded and encouraged to take the following steps to stay healthy and prevent the spread of infections by:

• washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
• avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands;
• avoiding close contact with people who are sick;
• cough or sneeze into your sleeve and not your hands;
• staying home if you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others;
• remembering that diseases can make anyone sick, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Residents are requested to contact HealthLinkBC at 8-1-1 with health related questions (day or night).