Tutorial: Creating Content for webpage(s)
Tutorial: Creating Content for webpage(s)
Did you know that there is a 'Content -> Add Content' menu item available to you for the new website? To use it, simply:
- Move your mouse cursor over the 'Content' menu item - but do not click.
- Now move to the 'Add Content' menu item and a sub-menu appears.
- Move to the type of Content you wish to add and now Click!
Note: be sure to make adjustments for your new content. Will it require a menu link? If so, where? (need to enter Parent Item and if needed, give the new link a higher or lower weight - to raise or lower it on the respective list it is placed in.)
Please provide feedback about how effective the ADD CONTENT menu item is for you, and please provide suggestions for what may be improved to help it become more functional and easy to use. Thank you.
**NOTE** This page was created using the 'Add Content' menu item.
Did you know?
Did you know that some of the Add Content is preset with forms to allow for quick and easy creation? For instance, if you are creating a 'Landing Page' and select this option from the Add Content menu selection; you will be given this page:
This allows you to quickly choose which department the page is for, and has two icons for you to edit if there is any social media information to allow visitors to connect through these ways also. In addition to these elements, there is also a place to provide a 'Cover Shot' for the page, a Target URL (should you wish to easily find it for future revising). Altogether these simple tool additions are coming together to make your webpage creating and maintaining an easier and more effective experience without the need for heavy training.
This is just one example of how much easier it is going to become to add various 'types' of content to our new website.