Standard and Complex Building Permits

Standard and Complex Building Permits

Use the definitions provided below to determine whether you should apply for a Standard Building Permit or a Complex Building Permit:

Standard Building/Plumbing Permit (Application Forms)

“Standard Building” means a Building of three storeys or less in Building height, having a Building area not exceeding 600 square meters and used for a major occupancy classified as:  residential occupancy, business and personal services occupancy, mercantile occupancy, or medium and low hazard industrial occupancy.

Complex Building/Plumbing Permit (contact the Building Inspector to obtain an application form) 

“Complex Building” means a Building used for a major occupancy classified as:  assembly occupancy, care or detention occupancy, or high hazard industrial occupancy; and, a Building exceeding 600 square meters in Building area or exceeding three storeys in Building height and used for a major occupancy classified as:  residential occupancy, business and personal services occupancy, mercantile occupancy, or medium and low hazard industrial occupancy.


For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
