Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric Car StationThe City of Port Alberni is proud to support publicly accessible EV charging stations to advance our efforts to reduce GHG emissions in the community. The costs for these stations were supported by the provincial government's Community Charging Infrastructure Fund.

Locations - There are two charging stations operated by the City of Port Alberni.  One is located at Victoria Quay and the other is located at Harbour Quay. In order to use either of the charging stations you must have an account with FLO, Canada's largest electric vehicle charging network. Registration is simple and will only take a minute. Visit FLO.ca/signup to get started today.   

Charging Station Specifications

“The time required to fully charge a vehicle on Port Alberni EV charging stations depends on two factors:

  • The charging speed of the vehicle.  Some cars can charge at roughly 3 kW on the chargers (Chevy Volts, Ford Fusion EV or Focus C-Max, for instance), while others can charge at roughly 6 kW, twice as fast (Teslas, Nissan Leafs, KIA Soul EV, to name just a few).
  • The amount of energy remaining for the battery to be fully charged. The battery capacities of EVs are different from one another. Two fully uncharged EVs of different makes, with identical charging speeds, will not take the same amount of time to fully charge.

At Port Alberni EV stations a vehicle requiring 10 kWh of energy will need time to charge as follows:

  1. A vehicle that charges at 3 kWh takes approximately 3 hours
  2. A vehicle that charges at 6 kWh takes approximately 1.5 hours
For more information, please contact

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V8
