City Observes National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

City Observes National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 29, 2021

Port Alberni, BC – On September 30, the City of Port Alberni will observe the first annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The City’s flags continue to fly at half-mast, and our offices and recreation facilities will be closed to commemorate the history and ongoing trauma caused by residential schools and to honour those who were lost and the survivors, families and communities who continue to grieve.

With new and ongoing evidence of thousands of children being buried in unmarked graves at residential school sites and in an effort to seek truth, justice and reconciliation, the need has never been greater to listen and to learn the history and ongoing trauma caused by residential schools.

Council and staff for the City of Port Alberni calls on all residents to reflect on the harmful legacy of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools and act on the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action  in recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. We urge families to take the time and make the effort to deepen their understanding of the intergenerational trauma of Residential Schools and how they can advance Reconciliation in their communities.

“Today and every day we stand in solidarity with the Indigenous community as we continue to work towards truth and reconciliation,” said Sharie Minions, Mayor of Port Alberni. “As leaders in local government, we have not only a duty but a desire to play an active role in this critical work that remains a vital component of the reconciliation process. This includes recognizing and supporting the difficult work of locating and honouring the missing children who attended the former Alberni Indian Residential School,” concluded Mayor Minions.

There is help for those experiencing pain or distress as a result of their residential school experience. The National Residential School Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day at 1-866-925-4419.

For more Information

Tim Pley, Chief Administrative Officer

City of Port Alberni
