Stack Testing of Cantimber Facility Scheduled
Stack Testing of Cantimber Facility Scheduled
The Port Alberni Port Authority (PAPA) has confirmed that stack testing of the Cantimber Biotech facility at 300-2750 Harbour Road will take place November 7 through 10, 2016. In order for the tests to accurately measure true operating conditions Cantimber must undertake a warm-up procedure of its equipment starting November 3rd.
The testing is being overseen by Golder Associates, which is conducting an independent expert review of the Cantimber operation, facilities and equipment. In addition to testing emissions from the stack, Golder will conduct ambient air monitoring measurements in the days preceding and during the stack tests at a variety of locations that may be affected.
PAPA, Golder and Cantimber are requesting the participation of the public by completing an online feedback form that can be used to describe any impacts or affects experienced during the testing period. Cantimber and Golder will have immediate access to these forms as they are submitted so that feedback can be correlated to particular operational activities at those specific times. This timely information may also be used to take any immediate action that may be required. A link to the online form will be available immediately prior to and during the testing dates at: &
The community may also telephone PAPA to report their experiences during the testing period directly at 250-723-5312.
View the full Port Alberni Port Authority press release.