Public Weather Alert - Heavy Rain, Strong Winds

Public Weather Alert - Heavy Rain, Strong Winds

A special weather statement has been issued for the Alberni Valley and surrounding region due to heavy rain and strong wind. The first in a series of powerful storms is arriving tonight. Local residents can expect heavy rainfall and strong winds starting this evening and continuing until Sunday.

Businesses and residents should prepare for high winds by securing materials that could become airborne. Residents are also encouraged to trim dead tree branches to reduce the danger of these falling onto homes and vehicles during a storm.

To reduce the likelihood of flooding, please help keep sidewalks, gutters, drains, and storm drain grates clear of leaves. Do not rake leaves onto streets and do not push leaves into drains.

Sand bag supplies are available for the public at the City's Public Works Yard located at 4150 6th Avenue. To report fallen trees or water pooling in your street, please call 250-720-2840. The after-hours emergency number is 250-724-1351. City crews will temporarily barricade flooded areas if necessary.

Check local weather forecasts and alerts for updated information: