Dog Licence Renewal
Dog Licence Renewal
Each year, the City sends notices to dog owners in early December for renewal of their dog licence(s).
A dog licence helps protect your pet by providing an easy-to-identify dog tag and registration with the Port Alberni SPCA. Any dog over the age of six months must have a valid licence for the current calendar year. Dog licences must be purchased at City Hall with a licence fee of $30.00 for spayed/neutered dogs and $45.00 for unspayed/unneutered dogs. 10% of the fees collected for Dog Licensing goes back to the local SPCA in support of their spay/neuter programs.
The City of Port Alberni has established rules and regulations to control dogs and other animals within the city in order to provide for the enjoyment and protection of the community's general population.
For questions or concerns about Dog Licensing please call City Hall at 250-723-2146.