Athol Utility Upgrades Project
Athol Utility Upgrades Project
Upcoming Construction
To address the aging infrastructure and protect the environment from unnecessary combined sewer overflows, the City of Port Alberni is separating the sewer and stormwater collection systems in your neighbourhood and upgrading a section of water main that has reached the end of its service life.
Starting the week of November 26, 2018, City of Port Alberni crews will mobilize on Athol Street between 3rd Avenue and 4th Avenue to upgrade utilities in your neighbourhood. The work area will be curb-to-curb to ensure the safety of our crews during construction and will take approximately five weeks to complete.
Activities associated with this work include: exposing existing utilities using a vacuum truck, trench excavation, pipe installation, decommissioning aging pipe, conducting system tie-ins and tests, backfilling excavated areas, and restoring the affected area to similar or better condition.
Work Hours and Noise
Work hours will generally be Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. However, there may be times when crews will need to work extended hours or on weekends to complete a specific task or maintain the construction schedule. There will be construction-related noise associated with this works and crews will attempt to reduce noise impacts on area residents wherever practical.
Parking and Access
Driveway access to homes on Athol Street between 3rd and 4th will be temporarily restricted, as will street parking. Please be sure to adhere to posted signage to avoid inconvenience and arrange for alternate parking. Access to homes will be maintained at all times.
Garbage Pickup
On garbage day, homeowners can leave their garbage cans at the property line and City crews will move them when the garbage trucks come.
As pipe installation activities progress, the excavated areas will be backfilled and a temporary gravel surface laid. Crews will look to return in the spring to complete final restoration activities when weather conditions are more favourable.
Utility Service Interruptions
There may be short utility interruptions as a result of this upgrade. If there is a planned interruption, the City will provide advanced notification to those affected.
If you have questions about this project, please contact the Public Works Yard at 250-720-2840. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.