North Park Drive Sewer Main Replacement – 10th Avenue Crossing

North Park Drive Sewer Main Replacement – 10th Avenue Crossing

To address aging infrastructure, accommodate future growth and improve drainage in your area, crews from the City of Port Alberni are replacing a sewer main on North Park Drive between and 7th Avenue and 10th Avenue. Installation activities on North Park Drive are nearing completion and crews are moving on to the 10th Avenue crossing.

10th Avenue Crossing

Starting May 28th, 2018 and continuing through to June 1, 2018, crews will be excavating across 10th Avenue at North Park Drive. To provide adequate working space, ensure the safety of the crew and complete the crossing in a timely manner, 10th Avenue between Burde Street and North Park Drive will be closed to traffic. A local detour will be put in place for the duration of the crossing.


Construction Activities

Activities associated with the crossing will include:

  •  trench excavation
  •  replacing the old sewer main with the new sewer main
  •  tying the new main into the existing sewer system
  •  backfilling and compacting the excavated area
  •  restoring the road with a temporary drivable surface

Work Hours and Noise

Work hours will generally occur Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. However, there may be times when the crew needs to work late in order to complete a specific task.

The crew will attempt, wherever practical, to reduce noise impacts.

Traffic and Safety

Traffic control personnel will be on site during construction hours to safely direct traffic through the local detour. Motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians are asked to pay close attention to construction signage and follow directions from traffic control personnel when in the area.

Outside of regular construction hours, safety barriers and detour signs will be put in place.


Following completion of sewer main installation activities, crews will return to affected areas to begin curb-to-curb road restoration. Please note this activity is weather dependent.


If you have questions about this sewer main replacement project or would like to learn more about your City’s infrastructure, please contact the Public Works Yard at 250-720-2840.

We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we work to complete this important project.