News Release - Residents Invited to Wastewater Treatment Open House

News Release - Residents Invited to Wastewater Treatment Open House

The City of Port Alberni is hosting an open house on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 to inform residents about improvements to wastewater treatment, a project that is important to every household and business in the community.

The proposed improvements are being undertaken to meet new federal and provincial regulations through a planning process called a Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP).  The public is invited attend the open house, scheduled for Wednesday, March 15th at Echo Centre from 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The drop-in style event provides an opportunity for the community to learn about the project and share their comments.

“We’re working to develop a long-term strategy for our wastewater infrastructure to bring the City into compliance with government regulations and address our community’s unique needs,” said Scott Smith, Director of Development Services.  “Our wastewater treatment system requires significant investment and it’s important that we hear from residents to ensure the best decisions are made.”     

Key elements of the project include: piping and upgrades to the new wastewater lagoon facility purchased from Catalyst Paper, a screening facility to remove debris, an aeration system to breakdown organic material, ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, and outfall piping and diffuser system in the Alberni Harbour.

Proposed upgrades have been developed to reflect local interests and conditions. A Wastewater Advisory Committee with representation from First Nations, community groups and technical experts has played an integral role in developing a ‘made-in-Port Alberni’ approach with fish health and habitat as a top priority.

Detailed project information, including cost estimates and timelines, will be provided at the open house. While a formal presentation will not be provided, City staff and project consultants will be on hand to discuss the proposed plan, respond to questions and receive comments.

For more information, please visit the City of Port Alberni online at or call 250-723-2146.



For more information:

Scott Smith, Director of Development Services
City of Port Alberni

Tim Pley, CAO
City of Port Alberni