News Release - City Enters into Land Exchange Agreement to Address Derelict Property
News Release - City Enters into Land Exchange Agreement to Address Derelict Property
Mayor Mike Ruttan announced that the City of Port Alberni has entered into a land exchange agreement with an uptown property owner in order to address a longstanding derelict building.
Under the land exchange agreement, the City will transfer four surplus lots on Alexander Road in exchange for the two parcels that make up the former Arrowview Hotel property on Athol Street, following the demolition of the building. The agreement is contingent upon full environmental abatement and demolition of the building to the City’s satisfaction.
“Derelict properties negatively impact our community, detracting from residents’ quality of life, the experience of visitors as well as the economic opportunities of those living around them,” said Mayor Mike Ruttan. “Minimizing the harm done by vacant and abandoned properties and restoring them to productive use is a significant priority for City Council and we intend to make use of all the tools and strategies available to our municipality in this effort.”
The City has been working with the owner to bring the former Arrowview Hotel property back to productive use for a number of years. The agreement reached requires the property owner to be fully responsible for the environmental abatement and demolition costs.
The City’s vacant lots on Alexander Road are regulated by the City’s Flood Control Bylaw and currently zoned institutional, meaning any future commercial use will require rezoning. Once complete, the exchange will provide the City with a considerable development opportunity in one of Port Alberni’s core business districts.
The City has issued a demolition permit and temporary street closure for a single lane of Athol Street and 2nd Avenue to facilitate the demolition currently underway.
Arrowview Properties
Alexander Road Properties
For more information:
Mayor Mike Ruttan
City of Port Alberni