Sewer Main Installation on Burde Street
Sewer Main Installation on Burde Street
To accommodate future growth in your area construction crews will be installing a short section of sewer main on the south side of Burde Street, just east of Swordfern Lane. This work is in preparation for Phase 2 construction of the Uplands development and is led by McGill and Associates Engineering.
What’s Happening
Starting Thursday, March 1st, 2018, crews will be in your area to construct the new sewer main. Activities associated with this work will include:
- excavating a trench
- installing and capping the new main
- back filling and compacting the excavated trench
- restoring the affected surface area
This work is expected to take approximately two to three days to complete. The affected road surface will be repaved in spring/summer 2018 when further road works are completed.
Work Hours and Noise
Work hours and associated noise will generally occur from Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Crews will attempt, wherever practical, to reduce noise impacts.
Traffic and Access
Traffic on Burde Street, east of Swordfern Lane, will be reduced to single-lane alternating. Traffic control personnel will be on site and access to local side streets will be maintained.
Safety measures will be in place. Motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians are asked to pay close attention to all construction signage and to follow the direction of traffic control personnel.