Roger Creek Wildfire Update

Roger Creek Wildfire Update

June 21, 2024 

Joint News Release | City of Port Alberni and Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District 

 The Roger Creek wildfire is “under control” and does not pose a threat to any structures at this time.

On Thursday, June 20, at approximately 3:30 pm, the wildfire in the Roger Creek area, south of Broughton Street, was reported. Port Alberni Fire Department crews responded with support from the Cherry Creek Volunteer Fire Department and BC Wildfire Service personnel. Thanks to effective response efforts, the wildfire status transitioned from “out of control” to “being held” at approximately 9:15 pm yesterday.

BC Wildfire Service is managing fire suppression operations, and the Port Alberni Fire Department will provide oversight and leadership as they maintain Incident Command. The Emergency Operations Centre is activated, providing inter-agency coordination and will remain operational until the fire is fully out. BC Wildfire Service has deployed attack crews and will continue suppression efforts, extinguish hot spots, and monitor the fire perimeter to ensure the fire does not spread. As of this afternoon, the fire is deemed “under control,” and it is anticipated that the fire will be fully extinguished by the end of the weekend.

The ACRD Emergency Department would like to take this opportunity to remind residents to register for the Voyent Alert! Emergency Notification System. In a disaster, the Emergency Operations Centre will issue alerts, critical information, and safety instructions to residents using this system. Voyent Alert! is available to residents in the City of Port Alberni, Sproat Lake, Beaufort, Cherry Creek, Beaver Creek, Bamfield, Tseshaht First Nation, Hupacasath First Nation, Uchucklesaht Tribe, and Huu-ay-aht First Nations. To register, download the Voyent Alert! app or register at www.acrd/voyent alert.

To report a wildfire or irresponsible behaviour that could start a wildfire in British Columbia, please call 1-800-663-5555 or (*5555 from a cell phone) as soon as possible.


For more information, please contact:

Heather Thomson, EOC Information Officer (ACRD) or 250-206-5162


City of Port Alberni Communications