City ramps up trail maintenance in July

City ramps up trail maintenance in July

Port Alberni, BC –Trail maintenance is underway in the City’s parks and major trail networks. Trail users are advised to watch for crews and observe all applicable signage and keep dogs on a leash where required.

Work includes brushing, mowing, cutting back brambles and overgrown bushes, removing natural hazards and increasing overall trail safety in all major trail networks throughout the City.

Levels of service are determined by the department of Parks, Recreation and Culture and reviewed on an annual basis. Service levels will also be prioritized as part of the upcoming Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. Community engagement is a key part of the master planning process, and we encourage residents to share their feedback when public engagement is underway.

Crews typically prioritize turf and sport field areas during the spring season when the grass requires regular maintenance. Once the warmer weather arrives crews will turn their attention to the maintenance of walkways and trails.

Rogers Creek Nature Trail, Kitsuksis Creek Trail, Dry Creek Park and Scott Kenny Trail will be prioritized, with other trails to follow.

The City would like to thank trail users, volunteer organizations and local trail groups for their ongoing support and dedication in maintaining our parks and trails and keeping them in good condition.

For more information, contact:

City of Port Alberni