Port Alberni Branding Initiative

Port Alberni Branding Initiative

The City of Port Alberni Economic Development office is in the process of a rebranding initiative. We hope to define ourselves, engage the community and ultimately attract new visitors, residents and entrepreneurs.  

The Economic Development Manager (EDM) selected a small team of individuals, mostly within the target demographic who had no affiliation to a 'would be' brand .

The team has gathered important information for our effort including

  •  noted and researched other successful communities (such as Cumberland, Huu-ay-aht and Squamish),
  • interviewed a number of professionals in the field
  • participated in several webinars and conference calls with Roger Brooks International
  • Interviewed several local people from our target demographic 
  • Conducted a comprehensive community survey to identify our strengths and weaknesses as a destination
  • Identified an inventory of activities that are considered marketable assets and started SWOT analysis 

For more information please click HERE for reports to council that detail the initiative.