News Release - City Seeks Community Members for Reconciliation Committee
News Release - City Seeks Community Members for Reconciliation Committee
Port Alberni, BC – Port Alberni City Council is looking for residents interested in sharing their experience, knowledge and skills to help foster reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Port Alberni.
The City is creating a select committee to investigate and report on actions for the City and community to undertake to help strengthen relations, increase cultural awareness and understanding, and support a welcoming and inclusive community.
“This is a great opportunity for local residents to get involved in their community by helping to shape our work on this important issue” said Mayor Mike Ruttan. “The formation of this committee is a very positive step forward for reconciliation in Port Alberni.”
The City’s creation of a Reconciliation Committee is being done in partnership with the Tseshaht and Hupacasath First Nations, who have each identified representatives for the committee.
The City is now seeking applications from Port Alberni residents interested in working together to explore and identify local actions. Individuals wishing to be considered for this volunteer committee are invited to submit a letter outlining how their interests and experience can contribute towards this initiative. The draft Terms of Reference for the committee is available on the City’s website on the committees, commissions and boards page.
The deadline for submissions is Monday, July 24, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Written applications must be submitted to the attention of:
Davina Hartwell, City Clerk
4850 Argyle Street, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 1V8
For more information:
Mayor Mike Ruttan
City of Port Alberni
Jake Martens, Deputy City Clerk
City of Port Alberni