City Adopts 2022-2026 Financial Plan
City Adopts 2022-2026 Financial Plan
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Port Alberni, BC – At the City Council meeting on April 11, 2022, Mayor and Council adopted the City of Port Alberni’s 2022-2026 Financial Plan and also approved three readings of the 2022 Tax Rates Bylaw – marking the completion of a critical annual planning task.
The financial plan is a complex annual process beginning in January and developed over four months of meetings and deliberations that blends public input with City staff professional insight and the leadership of City Council.
“I’d like to thank our citizens for their perspectives and involvement with this year’s planning process, including our e-Town Hall and Tax Rates discussions,” said Mayor Sharie Minions. “Working together, we have shaped a financial plan that reflects the direction of Council’s vision while addressing the priority needs of the community and keeping the tax rates as low as possible.”
City Council and staff have worked hard to develop a financial plan that represents the best interests of all citizens and honours the guiding principles of Port Alberni’s Five-Year Strategic Plan.
Through the budgeting process, Council gave thoughtful consideration to determine the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars and made purposeful decisions based on the community’s needs, meaningful impacts and sustainability.
In his report to Council, Director of Finance Andrew McGifford shared a comparison of the City’s tax rates with similar island municipalities, noting that Port Alberni saw the lowest tax increase over five years. For this coming year, the rate for the average single family residential home is 3.8 per cent, a slight decrease from an earlier estimate. Final adoption of the Tax Rates Bylaw is scheduled for April 25.
“We are pleased to produce a balanced financial plan that is fiscally responsible, delivers quality services and programs and focuses on a robust future for our community as we emerge from two years of restrictions and economic challenges created by COVID-19,” said Minions.
For more information on the City’s Five-Year Financial Plan, visit:
For More Information
Sharie Minions, Mayor
City of Port Alberni
Andrew McGifford, Director of Finance
City of Port Alberni