News Release - Community Invited to Join Spring Cleanup Campaign
News Release - Community Invited to Join Spring Cleanup Campaign
The City of Port Alberni is inviting businesses and individuals to help clean up litter, both big and small, by participating in the annual Community Cleanup.
Scheduled for the week of April 30th through May 6th, the event is an opportunity for individuals, groups, associations and organizations to join forces and clean up a park, lane way or other public space in their neighbourhood.
Often accumulating along streets and green spaces, litter ranges from discarded paper and beverage containers to cigarette butts and unwanted household items. Residents can chip in and help make a difference by volunteering their time or resources for a cleaner city.
“Litter impacts our local environment, our civic pride and the perception of visitors,” said Mayor Mike Ruttan. “A city-wide clean up helps draw attention to this issue and encourages a healthy, vibrant and clean Port Alberni.”
To support this campaign, the City will supply free cleanup tools, such as tongs, garbage bags, and gloves, and services like end-of-cleanup garbage pickup.
Volunteers can register by calling the Public Works Yard at 250-720-2840. Registering helps the City schedule pick-up of litter and avoids multiple groups cleaning the same location.
For more information:
Mayor Mike Ruttan
City of Port Alberni
Jake Martens, Deputy City Clerk
City of Port Alberni