Demolition Permits

Demolition Permits

If you are demolishing a building you will need to apply for a Demolition Permit. 

All Demolition Permits are subject to the following:

  1. WorkSafe BC requires a survey for hazardous materials be completed before any demolition work begins;
  2. The BC Building Code requires that a  Work Site Fire Safety Plan  be prepared and submitted prior to the commencement of demolition, construction or alteration operations;
  3. The City of Port Alberni requires that an application be made for decommissioning of City services (water, sanitary and storm sewer connections) prior to demolition.  This involves securely capping and sealing water, sewer and storm drain connections. More information.
  4. No unsafe condition may be created or permitted;
  5. The demolition site must be left in a safe, neat condition free from debris and to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector;
  6. The Building Inspector must be provided with 48 hours notice to facilitate the removal of the water meter.

Application Forms: Select the Demolition Permit Application form.

Fees: See Demolition Permit Fees (included in Building Permit Fee Schedule)


WorkSafe BC OHS Guidelines 

Site Disclosure Statement 

For more information, please contact
Development Services
Community Planning

Upper - 4835 Argyle Street
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
