Indoor Burning

Indoor Burning

If you are installing a new wood burning appliance it is recommended that you get a WETT Inspection before you start burning!  Contact a WETT Certified Inspector to perform a basic visual inspection of a home already equipped with a wood-burning appliance. It is recommended that you have your installation inspected prior to using it for the first time, at the time of alteration/repair of your appliance, and after any chimney fire event. 

Solid-Fuel Burning Appliance Regulations 

The following is a summary of Bylaw #4802 as it pertains to solid-fuel burning appliances.


No person shall install, or allow to be installed, either indoors or outdoors, a solid-fuel burning appliance, furnace or boiler which is used for the space heating of a building, the heating of water or other such purpose unless it meets the emissions standards of CAN/CSA-B415.1 standard “Performance Testing of Solid-Fuel-Burning Heating Appliances” or the emissions standards of the “New Source Performance Standards, Title 40, Part 60, Sub-part AAA of the Code of Federal Regulations (USA) (7-1-02 Edition), published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency”.

Existing Non-Compliant Devices

Existing solid-fuel burning devices not in compliance with the above will be permitted to remain in service indoors until May 31, 2017, providing that the appliance, its installation and use otherwise meet required safety standards. Thereafter, any such appliance must be permanently disconnected and removed from the structure.

Effective May 31st, 2013, prior to the completion or consummation of a sale or transfer of any real property containing an existing solid-fuel burning device not in compliance with the  above, said device will be permanently disconnected and removed from the structure.


Only wood pellets or untreated, non-contaminated, and seasoned wood with a moisture content of 20% or less shall be burned in a wood burning appliance or fireplace.


An inspector may order the extinguishment of any fire that is in violation of this bylaw.  An inspector may enter and inspect any land or premises in which burning is being conducted, for the purpose of determining compliance with this bylaw.

Smoke from your fire can inadvertently affect others. Please share a good neighbour approach while burning. If you have any questions regarding the above regulations, call the Port Alberni Fire Department at 250.724.1351.

The Fire Department has the right to enter any premises to examine and extinguish a fire that is in violation of Bylaw #4457. Any person who violates any provision of this Bylaw is guilty of an offence against this Bylaw and is subject to a minimum fine of $200.00. Each day that a violation continues to exist is deemed to be a separate offence against the Bylaw.         

To Burning Regulations


For more information, please contact
Derrin Fines
Chief Fire Prevention Officer

Fire Hall, 3699 10th Avenue
Port Alberni BC V9Y 4W3

Direct: 250-720-2542
Business: 250-724-1351
Fax: 250-723-5652