Temporary Use Permits
Temporary Use Permits
What is a Temporary Use Permit?
A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) is an approval from Council for a temporary land use that does not conform to the Zoning Bylaw. A TUP may be issued for up to 3 years and can be renewed once by Council for an additional 3 years.
Despite uses permitted in the zoning bylaw, a TUP may do one or more of the following:
- Allow a use not permitted in the Zoning Bylaw;
- Specify conditions under which the temporary use may be carried on;
- Allow and regulate the construction of buildings or structures in respect of the use for which the permit is issued.
Do I need a Temporary Use Permit?
You may apply for a TUP when you want to:
- Undertake a temporary use, including associated construction, demolition or alteration which is not permitted under current bylaws;
- Renew an existing Temporary Use Permit (permits may be renewed only once).
What do I need to consider before applying?
- Check the Official Community Plan (OCP). Temporary Use Permits may only be considered on lands designated Industrial or Commercial on the Schedule A (Land Use Map).
- Check the zoning and other applicable bylaws. Each property within the City is subject to specific regulations. Examples include permitted uses, density, site coverage, setbacks, building height and parking.
How much does it cost?
Refer to Fees and Charges
How long will it take and what is the process?
A Temporary Use Permit can usually be issued within 2-3 months provided that complete and accurate information is submitted and dependent on fulfillment of any conditions required by Council. Read more here about the Temporary Use Permit Process.