One-way Lane Access off Argyle Street Coming into Effect
One-way Lane Access off Argyle Street Coming into Effect
Beginning November 1, 2024, all laneway access points off of Argyle Street from Harbour Road east (uphill) to 6th Avenue will become one-way, leading traffic to exit away from Argyle Street. As a result, vehicles (other than waste collection) will only be permitted to travel:
- northbound in alleys connecting Argyle St. and Athol St. (no entry from Athol St.); and
- southbound in alleys connecting Argyle St. and Angus St. (no entry from Angus St.).
While the City recognizes that these changes will impact surrounding residents and businesses they are necessary to reduce risk and improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists travelling in the area.
In the days ahead, Public Works staff will continue to be on site applying directional arrows on the Argyle Street roadway and installing “New” and “Do Not Enter, Garbage Trucks Exempt” signs at the north and south access points of the affected laneways (see map below for details). In addition, temporary “One-way” signage will be installed in laneways, where necessary, to remind motorists that they are to exit in the noted direction.
For properties/businesses that are serviced by outside vendors, like private waste collection companies or service delivery trucks, please forward this link for their information.
We ask that you please exercise caution when in the area and show kindness as individuals become familiar with these changes in traffic flow.
If you have questions about this work, please contact the Public Works Yard at 250.720.2840. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we undertake these important safety changes.