City Looking for Assistance in Tree Vandalism Case

City Looking for Assistance in Tree Vandalism Case

Port Alberni, BC – On the morning of Monday, November 18, 2024, City Parks staff were alerted to several trees in Gyro Recreation Park (3245 7th Avenue) that sustained significant damage as a result of vandalism. A total of five (5) trees were damaged.

“The damage to the trees was so severe that there was no way to rehabilitate them. City crews responded quickly to assess the situation and have since removed the five trees. Crews will continue working to restore the affected areas in a way that facilitates future tree planning,” said Wayne Mihalicz, Manager of Parks with the City of Port Alberni.

The damaged trees were planted in 2014/15 as part of the larger re-greening initiative. Each tree was strategically placed within the park to create shade for park users during the hot summer months.

“It saddens me to see such a senseless act of vandalism in our city,” concluded Mr. Mihalicz.

As staff work to develop a re-planting program this damage and any future tree replacement is estimated to cost anywhere from seven to nine thousand dollars.

The City has opened a file with RCMP in the hope of holding the individual(s) accountable. If you were in the area between the evening of November 16th and the morning of November 18th and noticed any suspicious behavior, the City asks that you please contact the RCMP to report it using File No. 2024-11680.  

The City would like to thank park users for their understanding as staff work to restore the greenspace.

For More Information

Wayne Mihalicz, Manager of Parks, City of Port Alberni

Office: 250-720-2516