City Conducts First Round of Water Quality Testing at City-owned Facilities

City Conducts First Round of Water Quality Testing at City-owned Facilities

January 28, 2025

Port Alberni, BC – In response to the lead testing conducted in local schools by Pacific Rim School District in late 2024, the City took it upon itself to conduct testing at older City facilities to ensure drinking water meets the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality.

Initial sampling efforts focused on likely locations where people consume drinking water, such as faucets, drinking fountains, and other common water sources. Results have come back and indicate that several locations within City facilities exceed 0.005 mg/L, the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) level of lead in water, as set by Health Canada. Many points for water consumption within City facilities continue to provide potable drinking water. The health and well-being of our staff and citizens are our top priority, and as such we are taking all necessary actions to address this matter promptly.

To date, 68 water samples have been taken at 34 water sources:

34 samples prior to flushing - These samples are taken after the water has been sitting stagnant in the pipes, which may increase lead concentration.

34 samples after a 3-minute flush - This process helps to clear any stagnant water and provide a more accurate representation of lead levels that people might be exposed to during regular use.

In the initial round of testing, 34 water sources were sampled. Of those, 14 were found to have lead levels exceeding 0.005 mg/L (5 parts per billion) prior to flushing. After a 3-minute flush, three were found to have lead levels exceeding 0.005 mg/L (5 parts per billion).

In response to these findings, the City immediately posted signage at the affected locations or stopped water supply at the point of consumption. Filtration systems are on order for installation at consumption points that will remain in service. The City is also undertaking additional testing throughout all City facilities and will work with affected stakeholder groups to ensure drinking water at all City facilities meet the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality.

For a complete list of sampling locations and results, please visit:

“While these findings are concerning, they are being addressed, and quickly,” said Mike Fox, CAO at the City of Port Alberni. “These finding are also indicative of a larger trend within our community. With Port Alberni’s older building stock, we want to take this opportunity to encourage households that pre-date 1975 to undertake private water testing.

At the City, we will continue systematic testing and are committed to being transparent throughout the process. All testing locations and readings will be available online at as the testing program develops,” concluded Mr. Fox.


When water is in contact with lead pipes or fixtures that contain lead for extended periods of time, it can dissolve small amounts of lead, which then end up in the drinking water. While lead was banned from use in new construction in Canada in 1975, older buildings may still have plumbing that contain lead, especially if they have not undergone significant upgrades or renovations. Lead can leach into drinking water in systems without lead piping, although the risks are lower. Even if pipes themselves are made of materials like copper, PVC, or galvanized steel, lead can still enter the water from other sources, such as: lead solder, brass fixtures, etc.

What are the Guidelines for Lead in Drinking Water?

The Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality set a maximum acceptable concentration of 0.005 mg/L (5 parts per billion) for total lead in drinking water, measured at the tap.

For more information about the guidelines, visit the below link:

Health Canada - Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality

For More Information:

Mike Fox

Chief Administrative Officer

City of Port Alberni

A City Hall, 4850 Argyle Street, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 1V8

O 250.720.2824    E