Port Alberni Port Authority Enters into New Lease Agreement

Port Alberni Port Authority Enters into New Lease Agreement

The City is excited to support the Port Alberni Port Authority (PAPA) and Port Boat House in a new lease agreement that will see Port Boat House expand its yard into the adjacent parking lot (behind 5410 Argyle Street) owned and maintained by PAPA (see map below). This expansion, however, will see a short 50-meter section of the Quay to Quay pathway impacted as a result.

To ensure the Quay to Quay pathway continues to be accessible while meeting the requirements of Provincial grant funding, the City is working with PAPA to create a workaround on Harbour Road next to the boat launch. This alteration will involve line painting on the asphalt to indicate the pathway and include signage to clearly mark the alignment.

Activities associated with these changes will include fence installation, pathway line painting, changes to area parking within the affected lot and new signage.

BC Transit will continue to use the area outside of the fencing for route turnaround. Access to the boat launch will be maintained at all times.

We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as PAPA and Port Boat House execute this new agreement. Should you have questions about the work, please see below for contact details.


Port Alberni Port Authority – lease agreement
Email: reception@papa-appa.ca
Phone: (250) 723.5312

City of Port Alberni - Quay to Quay pathway
Email: citypa@portalbeni.ca
Phone: (250) 723.2146