Bylaw Services Department

Bylaw Services Department

The Bylaw Services Department is directed to increase public safety within the municipality, uphold community bylaws, and reduce nuisances. 

The Bylaw Enforcement officers field complaints from the community, other City departments and outside agencies (such as RCMP, Fire and Conservation). They investigate matters, mediate and enforce using education, warning, and legal recourse as appropriate to each case. Voluntary compliance is always preferred and appreciated.

Enforcement for animal control has been contracted to the SPCA (Alberni-Clayoquot Branch) located at 4936 Broughton St. Port Alberni, B.C., telephone (250) 723-5269 or Email: 

In December of 2022, the new Public Safety Building was opened located at 3075 3rd Ave in the uptown district. This office houses Bylaw Services, Community Policing Volunteers and a public washroom open during business hours. Bylaw Services serves our community through proactive and reactive response processes. At present the office hours for the building are 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.

What Does "Proactive" Mean?

  • Observing violations and investigating an offence;
  • Conducting inspections to verify compliance; and
  • Public awareness and preventative initiatives.

What Does "Reactive" Mean?

  • Investigations that are initiated in response to a complaint.

Complaint Process

Complaints are kept confidential; however, your information must be provided when filing a complaint. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. The City seeks to obtain voluntary compliance on most issues through education and constructive, respectful dialogue.

To make a complaint there are a couple of options, fill out an online form, submit a complaint to the office drop box, mail in a written complaint or by calling the Bylaw Department.

  • Complete and submit the online form (preferred): Bylaw Services - Complaint Form
  • Submit a written complaint to the Public Safety Building @ 3075 3rd Ave
  • Mail to City Hall, 4850 Argyle St, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 1V8
  • Call 250-720-2831

    For any matters requiring Police attention, please contact the local RCMP office at 250.723.2424.

Payment of By-Law fines and Dog Licenses can be made at the Public Safety Building during business hours. 

Some common bylaws the department handles regularly include:


When an incident of an encampment is observed or reported, Bylaw Enforcement Services should be informed and a Bylaw Enforcement file should be opened. Please click here for more detailed information.

 Boat, RV and Trailer Parking and Storage Regulations

The City is reminding residents to remove boats, recreational vehicles, travel trailers, and utility trailers from city streets and boulevards.

Under Traffic Control Bylaw #4670, no vehicle shall be parked on the street for the purpose of storage. This bylaw is in place to help reduce parking congestion, increase pedestrian safety, improve sight lines and ensure efficiency of street sweeping, snow removal, and garbage collection services.

For more information, click here.

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 Enhanced Security Initiative Program (ESIP)

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Graffiti Removal Program (GRP)

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  • The City of Port Alberni Noise Control Bylaw regulates or prohibits the making or causing of noises or sounds that disturb the quiet, rest, peace, enforcement or convenience of individuals or the public and includes:
    • From 11:00pm - 9:00am: Amplification of sound, including radios and stereophonic equipment is not permitted.
    • From 10:00pm - 7:00am: Noise due to construction is not permitted.
    • Prohibited at any time: Noise caused by any domestic animal or bird that is persistent and creates a disturbance by its cries, barks, or howls.
    • Should you need to perform work outside of the permitted hours specified in the Noise Bylaw, please fill out the Noise Permit and submit to the Development Services Department.
    • Noise Complaint Logs: Noise logs assist the Bylaw Department with noise offence information as they cannot always attend during the time of the offence. All requests are confidential and personal information will not be disclosed to any member of the public including the alleged offender. Your name and information may only be disclosed as required in the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.  Noise log

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Unsightly Property

  • The City of Port Alberni Property Maintenance Bylaw prohibits the accumulation of filth, discarded materials, rubbish, and other noxious or offensive matter on property.
  • The City of Port Alberni Building Standards Bylaw sets the standard for building maintenance and regulating vacant buildings.

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Traffic and Highways

  • The City of Port Alberni Traffic Regulation Bylaw is enacted pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Act, the Local Government Act, and the Highways Act to regulate the traffic and use of highways within City limits.

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  • It is illegal to post signage on City owned property without authorization. The Bylaw Officer will remove signage when it is illegally posted.
  • Private Property: signage installation is regulated by the  Sign Bylaw and a Sign Permit must be approved. Contact the City Building Inspector at 250-720-2832 for more information.

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Snow Removal From Sidewalks

  • Pursuant to the Traffic Regulation Bylaw, owners or occupiers of any premises in a business district shall remove snow from sidewalks and footpaths bordering the property owned or occupied by them not later than 12 noon of any day except Sundays and other holidays. 
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For more information, please contact
Bylaw Services Department

Public Safety Building, 3075 3rd Ave,

 Port Alberni BC V9Y 2A4
