Organics, Recycling and Garbage Collection

Organics, Recycling and Garbage Collection

Sort'n Go curbside collection

The City of Port Alberni collects household organics, recycling and garbage from approximately 7,000 single family homes through our curbside collection services. This solid waste material is then taken to the Alberni Valley Regional Landfill operated by the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District, where it is consolidated and hauled to the appropriate processing facilities. Organics is now picked up weekly, with garbage and recycling alternating on bi-weekly(every two weeks) frequencies on the same day as your regular curbside collection day.   

Crews begin collection at 7:00am, so carts should be placed out before this time and unclipped to ensure collection.  To avoid attracting animals please do not put your garbage out until pick-up day.  



For those unable to download the Sort'nGo app to a mobile device, we have a desktop version available:


For more information, please contact
Public Works Operations Clerk

Public Works Yard, 4150 6th Avenue
Port Alberni BC V9Y 4M9
