City of Port Alberni Greenwood Cemetery

City of Port Alberni Greenwood Cemetery

The City of Port Alberni Greenwood Cemetery is situated on 8.1 acres (3.3 ha) originally cleared in the 1890’s. The earliest gravestone found is in Section A, for Robert McKitrick who died in 1896.  The Cemetery Bylaw regulates the operation of Greenwood Cemetery.  

Location and Visiting Hours

The Greenwood Cemetery, located at 5360 Josephine Street, is open to the public seven days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  1. How do I find a grave site within the cemetery?
  2. What kind of markers are permitted in the cemetery?
  3. Can I leave flowers at a grave site?
  4. When is the cemetery open for visiting?
  5. Is there a Field of Honour for Veterans?
  6. Who do I contact to purchase a cemetery plot?
  7. How do I arrange for a burial in Greenwood Cemetery?
  8. What do I need to do to have a memorial bench or tree installed?

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Locating a Grave Site

To locate a particular grave site please contact the Engineering Department at City Hall between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, to find out the section, row and plot number of the deceased. See Contact information at the bottom of this page.  

The cemetery is laid out in sections, Section A through Section X (no Section I). The City has erected a large map showing the layout of the sections, near the pedestrian entrance on Josephine Street.  To view a copy of the layout map, please click on the following.  Cemetery Layout 

Monument set in roadway There are small brass monuments marking the corners of each section.  At left is an example of one of the brass monuments that is set in the asphalt roadway through the cemetery. 
Concrete Pad to Secure Monument Some section corners are located in grassy sections.  In these locations a small concrete pad is poured to secure the monument, as shown in the example to the left.

Please note that not all burial locations are marked. Typically they are marked only when families have purchased a memorial marker. A sign at the cemetery entrance is available for viewing the cemetery layout.

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Arranging a Burial

To arrange a burial in the Greenwood Cemetery you may choose to:

  1. Contact a local Funeral Home directly; or
  2. Contact the City Engineering Department directly (250-720-2830) to arrange a burial or a cremated remains interment.

Dates can be arranged for any day of the week, however there will be an extra cost for after-hours, weekend or statutory holiday burials or interments.

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The Field of Honour (Veteran’s Section)

Field of HonourThe Field of Honour begins in Section L and continues through Section P and Section R to the beginning of Section W. The rows of white crosses are provided and maintained by the Royal Canadian Legion (City Works does the installation).  The numbering follows that of the City maps, showing section, row and grave number in the row. The sections are marked on the roadway, making it easy to find the boundaries. The rows are numbered from north to south (i.e. from the entrance) and the graves are numbered from west to east. 

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Floral Offerings

Administrator approved above-ground containers or other devices for the purpose of holding flowers, wreaths or floral offerings may be permitted in the Cemetery.  Cut flowers, wreaths and floral tributes may be removed by City Staff when their condition is considered to be detrimental to the maintenance or appearance and beauty of the cemetery. 

The planting, removal, cutting down or destruction of any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, bulbs or decorative feature in the cemetery is not permitted other than by an employee of the City authorized to do so.  Maintenance, layout, flower vases and marker installations must be in accordance with the Cemetery Bylaw.

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It is extremely important to ensure that your memorial or marker is approved by the City and meets the requirements of the Cemetery Bylaw.  Please note the following:

  • The maintenance, layout, flower vases and marker installations must be in accordance with the Cemetery Bylaw. No grave Lot may be defined by a fence, railing, coping, hedge or by any other marking except as permitted in the Memorial provisions of the By-law. 
  • All memorials must be constructed of stone or bronze.  Bronze memorials must be set on a concrete base.
  • All memorials, including those for cremation lots, must be installed flush with the ground.
  • A Memorial Permit must be obtained from the Administrator to authorize the installation of all ground interment memorials not supplied by the City.
  • Where two related persons are buried in adjacent grave lots, one (18" x 30") tablet which provides for memorialization of both persons may be used, instead of two separate tablets, provided the single tablet is set to embrace the two grave lots evenly. 
  • Memorial marker installations are subject to the City of Port Alberni Cemetery Bylaw, and rules and regulations of the City of Port Alberni as they may be in effect at the time of purchase or, as they may be amended from time to time thereafter.

Marker Sizes

Single Marker on one grave           -       Minimum size   8" x 12"   Maximum size  12" x 20 "
Double Marker across 2 graves     -       Maximum size  18" x 30"
Minimum Thickness for Markers     -       7.62 cm (3 inches)

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  See Cemetery Forms / Permit Applications

For information regarding Cemetery related Fees and Charges please contact:


For more information, please contact
Infrastructure Services Clerk

4835 Argyle Street, Upper Floor
Port Alberni BC V9Y 1V9
