Committees and Commissions

Committees and Commissions

Committees, Commissions and Boards are established to consider important issues that affect Port Alberni.  These bodies are formally established by Council and in some cases, are required by Provincial legislation, to review and assist in the decision making process.  Membership often consists of volunteers from the community who apply and gain appointment from City Council, however the number and type of member make-up is often different for each group.  

The 2025 Council Appointments list provides for a complete listing of all appointments.  

Traffic Advisory Committee

Reviews matters regarding control and movement of vehicular, pedestrian and cycling traffic.  Meetings are open to the public.

Audit Committee

Oversees financial accounting and reporting, the audit process, and internal controls.

Board of Variance 

Reviews applications for minor variances where compliance with a Bylaw will cause undue hardship.

Alberni Valley Heritage Commission

Advises on matters related to the operation of city-established heritage facilities. 

Advisory Planning Commission

Makes recommendations respecting land use issues and applications.  Meetings are open to the public.