Homeowner Information
Homeowner Information
Handbook for Homeowners
Recovering from a fire can be physically and mentally draining process. When fire strikes, lives are suddenly turned around. Often the hardest part is knowing where to begin and who to contact. Please use this
"Handbook for Homeowners - What to Do After the Fire" produced by the Office of the Fire Commissioner as a guide to be prepared if fire strikes you.

What to Do After a Chimney Fire
Chimney has been cleaned.
Chimney has been inspected by the fire department or other qualified person.
What to Do After a Chimney Fire
Interface Fire Information
An interface fire is a wildland fire that puts communities and people at risk. A wind-driven wildland fire, out of control and moving fast, can quickly spread from the forest to threaten your family’s safety, home and property. Port Alberni has a large interface with the forest throughout the community, please take the necessary precautions to protect our families and property.
Fire Smart Manual